SAPC ASM 2021 - virtual
49th annual scientific meeting
The 49th annual scientific meeting of the SAPC was a virtual meeting.
Wednesday 30th June and Thursday 1st July 2021
The scientific programme was chaired and created by our "host" team at University of Leeds.
Prize winners
Congratulations to the prize winners
Publication of accepted abstracts and DOI number
Abstracts on-line or Abstract book - download
DOI reference: 10.37361/asm.2021.1.1
Copyright belongs to the authors of the individual abstracts under the creative commons licence
7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture and SAPC ASM 2021 keynotes
View these presentations on YouTube
Introducing the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting
Information for poster presenters
Information for presenters in parallel sessions
Preparing to attend the virtual ASM
We are delighted that West Yorkshire R&D have offered bursaries to cover the registration fees for up to 10 attendees working in primary care in West Yorkshire. SAPC is also offering bursaries of £50 to primary healthcare scientist (PHoCuS) members of SAPC who are first time attenders.
New at the ASM 2021
- Family friendly hours
- Meet on-line - we are working with a professional virtual platform provider to create a dynamic virtual conference experience featuring:
- Networking with fellow delegates: one to one and in groups
- "Super" posters: presenters can upload a short video and handouts - dedicated discussion times and opportunities to send queries to authors at any time
- Pre-recorded or live presentations for oral presenters - you can choose
- Catch up with recordings of keynotes or parallel sessions you may have missed and view posters at any time (for registered delegates only)
- The platform is very user-friendly, lots of guidance will be provided and you will be able to familiarise yourself with it in the week before the conference
We look forward to welcoming you.
Richard Neal, Scientific Programme Chair
Suzanne Richards, Committee Chair
Carolyn Chew-Graham, SAPC Chair
Abstract submission is closed
The deadline was 28th February 2021. Enquiries
Thank you to everyone who submitted presentations, workshops and creative pieces. Authors were notified of the outcome on 5th May 2021.
Did you submit an abstract?
Thank you to everyone who submitted presentations, workshops and creative pieces. Authors were notified on 5th May, please email quoting your submission ID number if you have not yet received your email notification.
Day 1 : Wednesday 30th June
How to create your own itinerary with this schedule
When you are in the platform you can create a personal schedule there too.
Poster session 1: discussion and viewing Poster list (all posters will be available to view throughout the conference in the Poster Gallery on the virtual platform)
Visit the exhibition
Networking shuffle (if you choose to join these are 4 minute meetings to chat with 3 other randomly selected participants)
Welcome and introduction session
7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture by Dr Wendy Ann Webb "Life's hard and then you die: End of life priorities within the homeless population"
Keynote session 1
Professor Paul Aveyard "Living Well: is primary prevention practical and desirable in general practice?"
Tom Williams "parkrun: health and happiness for everyone"
Lunch break
Prize presentation session
SAPC/RCGP Awards for Outstanding Early Career Researcher
Award 1: Dr Samuel Seidu "Deciding the right HbA1c targets for older people with type 2 diabetes"
Award 2: Dr Shoba Dawson "Improving ethnic diversity in primary care research"
SAPC PhD prize: Dr Emily McBride "Psychological Impact of Testing Positive for Human Papillomavirus at Cervical Cancer Screening"
Close / poster viewing / interacting
Day 2 : Thursday 1st July
How to create your own itinerary with this schedule
When you are in the platform you can create a personal schedule there too.
Poster session 2: discussion and viewing Poster list (all posters will be available to view throughout the conference in the Poster Gallery on the virtual platform)
Visit the exhibition
Networking shuffle (if you choose to join these are 4 minute meetings to chat with 3 other randomly selected participants)
Introduction to day 2 by Suzanne Richards, Leeds
Presentations of distinction from the Australisian Association of Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) and the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
From the AAAPC annual meeting:
Grant Russell
Optimising primary care for refugees. Findings from an Australian cluster randomised trial
From the NAPRCG annual meeting
Tim Holt
Incidence and predictors for hip fracture in people with intellectual disability
SAPC: ‘what we are and what we do’
Carolyn Chew-Graham (SAPC), Julia Hiscock (Primary Healthcare Scientists), Joanne Reeve (WISE GP)
Plenary: Innovations in undergraduate education
Professor Joe Rosenthal, Professor Alex Harding, Dr Jane Kirby
SAPC Annual General Meeting and update - your chance to influence the future of SAPC
Lunch break
Keynote session 2
Dr Kaveh Shojania "The tension between needing to improve care and knowing how to do it"
Professor Katherine E Sleeman "End of life care: bridging the evidence-policy gap"
Prize giving - Carolyn Chew-Graham, SAPC Chair
Closing reflections - Richard Neal, Suzanne Richards, Leeds
SAPC ASM 2022 presentation from Umesh Chauhan, UCLan
Close / poster viewing / interacting