2021 parallel session presenters

Click here for virtual platform instructions for parallel presenters

If you are presenting a a parallel session the session chair will introduce you and you will present live using screenshare to share your slides.  Please do not send your slides to us. The Q&A will follow your presentation:

Long orals - 6 minutes' presentation plus 2 minutes Q&A

Short orals - 4 minutes' presentation plus 2 minutes Q&A

You will have been notified of your programme number and whether you have a long or a short oral presentation.  If you have not received this please email Sue Stewart office@sapc.ac.uk


During your presentation you will share your slides via Zoom.  You can have as many slides as you can manage within your given time slot (6 or 4 minutes).

Please stick to time, the session chairs will not allow you to overrun.

Session timing:

Please join the session room at least 10 minutes before the session is due to start to meet the session chairs.

At the beginning of the session there will be 5 minutes to allow time for delegates to join the session and the chair to introduce the session.

First four presentations: long orals - 6 minutes plus 2 minutes Q&A each

Next three presentations: short orals - 4 minutes plus 2 minutes Q&A each