Useful Information

AGM 2024

13:15 – 13:45 Thursday 4th July 2024, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1QE Papers for SAPC AGM 2024 can be downloaded below: Agenda Draft minutes 2023 AGM Officers' report Treasurer's report Draft accounts 2023 Draft Articles of Association HoDs report HoTs report SAPC strategic priorities

Conference sustainability

SAPC Conference Sustainability With theme of our 2024 conference sustainable Primary Care: healthy systems, healthy people we wanted to put sustainability at the heart of the operation. Conferences are carbon-intensive, primarily from delegate travel. How intense we don’t exactly know, so we are doing a research project to carbon-footprint this event, using travel data you have already submitted. Bristol Meantime here are some sustainability FAQs for your interest … What are the green credentials of the city of Bristol? Bristol is a national centre for sustainability initiatives. The...

2024 Call for abstracts

The annual SAPC conference showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care. Submissions now closed. Deadline 19th February 2024 . We invite you to submit work in the following formats: Presentations: short orals or ePosters - SUBMISSION NOW CLOSED Interactive workshop: Information and submissions Creative enquiry: Information and submission Dangerous Ideas: Information and submission Conference programme and themes The Scientific Committee is particularly keen to receive abstracts which complement the conference theme: Sustainable primary care - healthy systems, healthy...

Conference prizes for our members Every year we offer a number of prestigious prizes for presenters at our annual scientific meeting. You can find out details on the prizes on offer and how to apply in this article.

A trip to the seaside: Reflections on Brighton ASM 2023

One of my take-away thoughts from the SAPC annual scientific meeting in Preston last year was how great it was to see people again in real life. Although I think that most of us are spending a bit more time in the office, sitting in front of Microsoft Teams continues to account for a substantial proportion of our days. I for one certainly don’t need any excuse to get away from a screen. The opportunity to head off to the beach at Brighton to discuss academic matters with like-minded individuals at the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting was therefore something I’ve been looking forward to for some...

AGM 2023

10.15-10.45 Thursday 20th July 2023, Hilton Metropole Brighton Papers for SAPC AGM 2023 can be downloaded below. Printed copies will be available at the AGM. Agenda Paper A draft minutes of AGM 1st July 2022 Paper B Officers' report Paper Ci Treasurer's report Paper Cii Finance statement Paper D HOTs report


Are you interested in becoming a mentee with SAPC? The Mentorship scheme has been established by the primary healthcare scientists (PHoCuS) group (non-medical members) and the SAPC Executive to develop an increased number of primary health care scientists capable of operating at a world-class level and able to become the academic leaders of the future.

Mentorship programme The aim of the SAPC Mentorship Programme is to support academic colleagues working in departments of Primary Care. The Programme was established initially to help primary health care scientists (non-GPs), who, because of their heterogeneous core disciplines have no other single support scheme. We are delighted that SAPC is now able to extend the scheme to GP members. The mentorship scheme is designed to have a positive impact on career aspirations and development for such professionals and enhance their research productivity and leadership. In order to build a clear pathway, and community of mentorship practice, it is essential that the scheme is led and delivered by the most experienced researchers and clinical leaders from similar backgrounds.

List of Mentors We have a mentoring scheme for academics that allows us to help enhance your career. Details of the mentors and their areas of interest are described

SAPC ASM 2023 Welcome

I am really excited to welcome you all to this year’s annual scientific meeting, which we are hosting for the first time ever in Brighton. This is SAPC’s second in-person conference since the restrictions necessitated by the covid-19 pandemic have been lifted, and we hope to make it a very special and memorable experience for all. The theme of the conference this year is Informed and Inclusive Primary Care. Recent years have seen the gap between the least and most well-off in society widen, and this is reflected in a wide range of metrics that illustrate the impact of this inequity in the...
