Useful Information

Career Support

SAPC has instigated a number of initiatves to support the careers of primary care academics involved in education and/or research. We have groups dedicated to supporting the needs of academic GPs, non-clinical members (Primary Healthcare Scientists - PHoCuS members), Early Career Academics, We run career development workshops, a mentorship scheme, as well as offering a range of prizes. The SAPC Ambassador role is relatively recent and offers opportunities for people to join the work we are doing whilst developing new skills and career opportunities.

Early careers workshop at ASM 2018

13:30 - 15:30 Tuesday 10th July 2018, Barbican Centre, Frobisher Room 4, level 4 Event Organiser: Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown Speakers: Prof Amanda Howe, Prof Stephanie Taylor, Prof Anita Berlin and Prof Joanne Reeve There will be lots of opportunity for discussion at this 2-hour workshop. Topics will include: Career progression in academic primary care for both non-clinicians and clinicians REF - what does it mean? Facilitators and barriers to progression Target audience Early career researchers and educators with less than 5 years work experience in primary care or within 5 years of...

SAPC Elections - 2018

Seeking SAPC executive committee members and a vice-chair In 2018, we will be holding an election for four general member places on SAPC Executive , to serve from July 2018-2021. In addition we are also seeking nominations for a vice-chair who will serve from July 2018-2019 and will become chair in 2019 (until 2022). The Executive team lead the work of SAPC to raise the profile of Academic Primary Care, build a vibrant workforce by helping people Get In and Get On in APC, and enhance the impact of our work through supporting collaborations. You may like to read the most recent Officers'...


Championing and cultivating the pragmatic wisdom and clinical scholarship at the heart of modern General Practice The Wise GP programme recognises that modern health care needs gold-standard evidence, but also gold-standard professional wisdom. Visit the Wise GP website Scholarship refers to both the intellectual task of GP practice ( Every GP a Scholar ), and the collective professional wisdom of our discipline. Scholarship is the higher level thinking that underpins the everyday pragmatism of clinical practice - the intellectual expertise that enables clinicians to deliver highest quality care to their individual patients. Scholarship is a necessary part of professional excellence: both in the context of the clinical consultation, as well as the extended roles undertaken by many GPs including practice development and organisation, education, innovation, leadership, and research. The GP Scholarship programming is rethinking how we recognise , champion , and cultivate General Practice as the intellectual discipline it is, and needs to be, to address today's healthcare challenges.

HODs meeting winter 2017

Venue: University of Warwick, Radcliffe House Travel directions (free parking available at Radcliffe) Travelling by train to the University HODs meeting timetable Thursday 7th December 2017 15.30 coffee or tea on arrival 16.00 welcome and meeting part 1 18.00 meeting ends 19.00 drinks and dinner Overnight accommodation at Radcliffe House Friday 8th December 2017 08.00 meeting part 2 (included joint discussinn with HOTs 9.00-9.30) 10.30 meeting closes, coffee and depart Book a place

Education Research SIG meeting 7th December 2017

All Education Research SIG and / or SAPC members are welcome to join us for our December meeting. Date: Thursday 7th Dec 2017 Time: 10 - 15.30 (coffee from 9.30) Venue: University of Warwick, Radcliffe House, Room RAD Space 30 Travelling to the venue (Radcliffe) - free parking is available at Radcliffe. Attendance cost £25 (please bring cash or cheque on the day) Signing up Email Hugh Alberti to book a place (deadline 30th November). Please mention whether you would like to: a) share a short presentation about work-in-progress, or b) propose a particular topic for the afternoon small group...

Person-Centred Primary Care: Searching for the Self - new title coming soon

Edited by Professor Chris Dowrick , University of Liverpool The latest volume in the Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities series provides a thoughtful and thought provoking new assesssment of a core concept in primary care - the Self. Professor Dowrick described the reasons for writing the book: "Primary care, grounded in the provision of continuous comprehensive person-centred care, is vital to the delivery of effective health care. The central notion of person-centred care, however, relies on often-unexamined concepts of self, or understandings of what it means to be a person. This book explores contemporary pressures on the sense of self for both patient and health professional within a consultation and argues that building new concepts of the self is essential. Combining theoretical perspectives with insights drawn from practice, this volume is suitable for those researching and studying primary healthcare, communication and relationships in healthcare and the medical humanities" This brand new text, written by members of SAPC's SIG on The self in Primary Care is now available for preorder .

Working as a psychologist in academic primary care – new Psychology Group

There are several of us who are trained psychologists working in primary care departments, across the UK and beyond, however this may not always be apparent. Psychologists run the risk of going unnoticed as a discipline if our roles don’t require us to provide specific psychology input and/or if our job titles don’t identify us as psychologists (e.g. holding generic titles such as research fellow). We need to identify ourselves and the skills we can offer for both ourselves and academic primary care to thrive. We are now setting up a Psychology discipline specific group within PHoCuS for...


The Annual General Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care will take place from 12.30 to 13.25 on Thursday 13th July 2017 during the 46th Annual Scientific Meeting at the University of Warwick Here are the papers: Agenda Paper A - draft minutes from AGM 2016 Dublin Paper B - Officers' report Paper Ci - Treasurer's report - coming soon Paper Cii - Accounts year end 31 May 2017 Paper D - Head of Teaching group report (HoTs), Head of Departments group report (HODs) will be given as a verbal report at the AGM Paper E - GP Scholarship Venue: Room 0.12 Ramphal Building Copies of all the...
