Useful Information

How we support GPs with extended roles

SAPC is leading a work stream, in conjunction with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) who are committed to supporting research active general practice ( see document ‘RCGP: The 2022 GP. A Vision for General Practice in the Future NHS’ ). The work stream aims to understand and develop the eGP role and is keen to work in partnership with the wider primary care community.

Top tips for Media Engagement

Speaking to the media can be a particularly effective method to allow your research to reach thousands or even millions of people, through TV, press, blogs and social media. It offers unique opportunities to create public awareness of an issue, help promote informed debate around a topic, raise the profile of work to funding bodies and decision-makers, increase the impact of the research and it may even encourage the next generation of scientists.

Academic careers for GP trainees: an introduction

Combined clinical and academic training programmes invest in people early in their career who can implement their acquired skills throughout the major part of their career. The valuable translation from practice to research and vice versa becomes a quality inherent in clinician researchers who have finished their combined program. Whilst combined research training in General Practice has developed strongly and consistently over the last decade, compared to other specialities, research capacity remains relatively modest especially at the doctoral level and post-doctoral level.

Patient and Public Involvement in Academic Primary Care

Public & Patient Involvement (PPI) within academic primary care - This is an important topic in academia to ensure that research remains relevant to the British public and that patients have a say in what researchers work on. SAPC has been involved in a national project to develop a publication that showcases good examples of PPI in primary care research and provide advice and inspiration to others. Led by Benjamin Brown

Early careers working group

Next early career networking event for SAPC members 30th January 2018 - sign up SAPC is committed to supporting primary care researchers throughout their career and especially at the earlier stages. We have an early career academic working group, comprised of members of the SAPC executive committee, and external members, both clinical and primary healthcare scientists, researchers and educationalists. We work as a group to ensure that SAPC addresses the challenges facing early career academics in primary care. The group is led by Becci Morris.

Rebuilding the SAPC website

A major component of our new communication strategy is to make everything easier for our memebers. So they know what is going on and what SAPC can do for them. With this in mind we have made a significant investment in a new website . The website group is led by Nathan Hill .

A short history of SAPC

The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) is the primary organisation championing academic primary care in the UK. SAPC aims to provide a clear voice and a strong presence for APC in the complex and ever-changing Primary Care environment.
