Useful Information

Education programme at SAPC ASM 2019

We are really pleased that teaching, training and educational research are so well represented at this year’s conference. Primary care educational research is clearly gaining in sophistication, strength and impact, with positive developments in terms of multi-institution work and collaborative focus on common goals. For example, research on the importance of authenticity and continuity in medical education and the role of medical schools in enhancing recruitment. This new vigour has in no small part been spearheaded by the enthusiasm and commitment of the Heads of Teaching at all UK medical...

SAPC Elections 2019

Seeking SAPC executive committee members In 2019, we will be holding an election for two general member places on SAPC Executive , to serve from July 2019-2022. Exeutive Members James Prior and Suzanne Richards' terms are due to end at the AGM in July 2019. They have both indicated that they would like to stand for re-election. We are delighted that Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham , Vice-chair will become Chair at the AGM in July 2019. The Executive team lead the work of SAPC to raise the profile of Academic Primary Care, build a vibrant workforce by helping people Get In and Get On in APC, and...

SAPC Principal Investigator of the Year Prize

The deadline for entries is 31st March 2021 SAPC Principal investigator of the Year Award launched in 2019 In 2019 we ran the inaugural Principal Investigator (PI) of the Year Award. We wanted to find the best, most dedicated and successful primary care PI and we were not disappointed! We asked you to nominate the PI who gives exceptional support, leadership and encouragement throughout the highs and lows of research, career and life. We sought to find the PIs who helped early career academics to develop opportunities, identify ways you can build your career, write papers, support fellowship...

PHoCuS meeting July 2019

08.00 - 08.55 on Thursday 4th July 2019 during the SAPC ASM Exeter PHoCuS group meeting, pastries and coffee will be available from 07.45 to take in to the meeting Content Part 1 – update: Membership Champions Mentoring activity 2018/2019 Part 2 – interactive session on networking and why it’s important

Highlights of 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, we would like to share some of the successes in the academic primary care community over this year. One major piece of work this year has now come to fruition – the GP Scholarship programme. Developed in collaboration with RCGP, this work was launched at the RCGP Conference in November. We hope it will help to support our GP colleagues, develop clinical scholarship across our community and promote the revitalisation of general practice as a career. Two new SIGs were launched this year: Cancer and No Health without Mental Health. Two SIGs that were formed just over a...

2019 Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission deadline 17th February 2019 Submission is now closed this page is for information only The University of Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) is hosting the annual SAPC conference, which showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care. You can share your work through: Presentations: orals , posters and lightning talks - review criteria to submit a presentation abstract please set up a user account when prompted once you click on the submission form above Symposia - submission form and review criteria Interactive workshops - submission...

Teaching general practice: Guiding principles for undergraduate general practice curricula in UK medical schools

The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) have collaborated to produce, for the first time, national guidance on the design and delivery of general practice learning and teaching in UK medical schools. The guidance is based on published evidence and current best practice in UK medical schools and has been refined through consultation with the Heads of Teachers group in SAPC, the Medical Schools Council (MSC), the General Medical Council (GMC) and the MRCGP Curriculum Development Group. It aims to support implementation of the...

2018 Creative Enquiry at the SAPC ASM London

‘Creative enquiry’ was a new strand within the SAPC programme of 2018. Through imagination, metaphor and symbol, successful participants embrace the complexity and inter-subjectivity inherent in lived experience and patient care. Knowledge-creation and meaning-making through the creation of artistic, poetic or dramatic expressions allows for the emergence of perspective and voice and can help us to gain insight on ourselves as seers and the lenses we embody. The motto of the Royal College of General Practitioners is ‘Cum Scientia Caritas’ (science with compassion). Caritas: Creative Enquiry...


The Annual General Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care will take place from 12.45 to 13.45 on Thursday 12th July 2018 during the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting at the Barbican Centre, London Here are the papers: Agenda Paper A - draft minutes from AGM 2017 University of Warwick Paper B - Officers' report Paper Ci - Treasurer's report - coming soon Paper Cii - Accounts year end 30 April 2018 Paper D - Head of Teaching group report (HoTs) Venue : Frobisher Auditorium 1, level 4, Barbican Centre Copies of all the papers will be handed out at the AGM

Recognising Scholarship at the heart of the modern discipline of General Practice

Clinical Practice is changing, so medical education must too ( Wenzel 2017 ). In a world characterised by widespread access to knowledge, professional practice is increasingly defined not by what you know, but by how you use what you know (Wenzel 2017). For General Practice, this means revising our understanding of the medical generalist role. It is no longer sufficient (accurate or adequately distinct) to describe the generalist as someone who ‘knows a little about a lot of things. Defining generalist practice in terms of 'what you know' invites a continued search for technical solutions (...
