Highlights of 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, we would like to share some of the successes in the academic primary care community over this year.

One major piece of work this year has now come to fruition – the GP Scholarship programme. Developed in collaboration with RCGP, this work was launched at the RCGP Conference in November. We hope it will help to support our GP colleagues, develop clinical scholarship across our community and promote the revitalisation of general practice as a career.

Two new SIGs were launched this year: Cancer and No Health without Mental Health.

Two SIGs that were formed just over a year ago held their inaugural meetings on 10th July at the SAPC ASM 2018: the Physical Activity / Excercise as Medicine SIG and Digital Health Technologies in Primary Care.  The reports of the SIGs can be found on the individual SIG's page.

The Self SIG’s  major event this year was the publication by Routledge of their book Person-Centred Primary Care: Searching for the Self.

The 2018 ASM in London was agreat success and we look forward to the 2019 ASM in Exeter.

The core elements of our work have also continued to grow and flourish:

our regional and national conferences,
our mentorship scheme,
the work of our Early Career Academics Group

Primary Healthcare Scientists (PHoCuS) and Academic General Practice group


Thank you to everyone on the Executive and throughout our membership who work so hard throughout the year to make all these activities - and more - a success.

Best wishes


Kate O'Donnell
