Useful Information

SAPC ASM 2023 Welcome

I am really excited to welcome you all to this year’s annual scientific meeting, which we are hosting for the first time ever in Brighton. This is SAPC’s second in-person conference since the restrictions necessitated by the covid-19 pandemic have been lifted, and we hope to make it a very special and memorable experience for all. The theme of the conference this year is Informed and Inclusive Primary Care. Recent years have seen the gap between the least and most well-off in society widen, and this is reflected in a wide range of metrics that illustrate the impact of this inequity in the...

2023 Call for Abstracts

The annual SAPC conference showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care. Submission deadline is 28th February 2023. We invite you to submit work in the following formats: Presentations: short orals (10 minute slots: 6 mins presentation and 4 mins Q&A) or ePosters - review criteria Submission form Interactive workshops and review criteria Creative enquiry submission - review criteria Conference programme and themes The Scientific Committee is particularly keen to receive abstracts which complement the conference theme: Informed and inclusive primary care We...

AGM 2022

13.00-13.50 Wednesday 6th July 2022, Harrington Building Lecture Theatre, Victoria Road, Preston PR1 . Papers for SAPC AGM 2022 can be downloaded below. Printed copies will be available at the AGM. Agenda Paper A draft minutes of AGM 1st July 2021 (virtual) Paper B Officers' report Paper Ci Treasurer's report Paper Cii Finance statement Paper D HODs report Paper E HOTs report

Reading to Stay Alive: a virtual SAPC Creative Inquiry Workshop

Weds 7th September 2022, 09:00-10:00 London BST Facilitator: Chris Dowrick The aim of this workshop is to explore how literary reading may ameliorate our personal and vicarious experiences of suicide. It will consider how literature enables us to acknowledge the deeply inconsolable, to ‘think’ reality when ordinary human thought falls short, to allow for the possibility of imagining the ‘shabby, confused, agonised crisis which is the common reality of suicide’ and to develop empathy towards individuals who seek it. The intended outcome is to expand participants’ understanding of the recursive...

Equality Diversity and Inclusion

SAPC is committed to working inclusively with and for our community. This year, we have established a specific stream of work to look into equality, diversity and inclusion within SAPC and in academic primary care more broadly. The first step of this was to draft a strategy, which we share below. This is the first draft and we would like to consult our membership and seek your feedback. A word document is available to download and use accessibly or with tracked changes at the bottom of this page. Please email with any comments or feedback by 20th June 2022. Equality,...

SAPC Executive - Elections 2022

Want to be part of a vibrant dynamic crew supporting, shaping and championing the field of academic primary care? There are a number of upcoming changes in the SAPC Executive team, SAPC Executive , which means that we are advertising for a number of roles. Rupert Payne , currently a general member of the executive, who will become co-chair at the AGM on 6th July along with Duncan Shrewsbury . Jo Protheroe is stepping down from the role of Treasurer after 10 years but will remain on the exec until the end of her current elected term of three years which will be in July 2023. Suzanne Richards...

PHoCuS meeting 2022

08.00 - 08.55 on Tuesday 5th July 2022 during the SAPC ASM UCLan PHoCuS group meeting, pastries and coffee will be available from 07.45 to take in to the meeting Content Part 1 – update: Membership Champions Mentoring activity 2021/2022 Careers Part 2 – interactive session on networking and why it’s important

December 2021 newsletter

ASM 2022 (4th to 6th July @ UCLan) We have decided to hold our 2022 ASM in person and are grateful to our hosts at UCLan, led by Professor Umesh Chauhan. Please hold the dates (4 th – 6th July 2022 ). Abstract submission is open and the abstract deadline is Monday 14th February. Regional SAPC meetings Click here for links to regional meetings in 2022 Three regional meetings took place on-line in 2021: SAPC SE Madingley 28th January (hosts QMUL) SAPC SW 18th March (hosts Warwick) SAPC North 11th November (hosts Keele) HODs update An update from HODs will be available here soon. HOTs update...

2022 Call for Abstracts

The annual SAPC conference showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care. Submission deadline was 14th February 2022 but will remain open until 18th February. We invite you to submit work in the following formats: Presentations: short orals (10 minute slots: 6 mins presentation and 4 mins Q&A) or ePosters - review criteria submission is now closed - link removed Interactive workshops and review criteria - submission is now closed Creative enquiry submission is now closed - review criteria Conference programme and themes The Scientific Committee is particularly keen...

Engagement with other organisations

Why is it important for SAPC to engage with other organisations? Our engagement work supports the aims of the society: to advance primary care through education and research; build and support a vibrant academic primary care workforce; and, create impact through supporting collaborative action. Our engagement activity has an important role in: Communicating the aims of SAPC Obtaining wider support for and sharing information about the work we do Developing collaborations with organisations who have shared and complementary interests How do we engage with stakeholders? We have observers on the...
