Dr Kaveh Shojania

Thursday 1st July, keynote session 2 14:40
"The tension between needing to improve care and knowing how to do it"
View keynote session 2 (Kaveh Shojania and Katherine Sleeman) on YouTube
Dr. Kaveh Shojania is Vice Chair for Quality & Innovation in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, where he also sees patients as a general internist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. His research focuses on identifying evidence-based patient safety interventions and effective strategies for translating evidence into practice. Dr Shojania has more than 150 publications indexed in Medline, including in leading journals such as JAMA, the New England Journal, and the Lancet. Google Scholar lists 18,000 citations to his work with an h-index of 62. And, since 2011, Dr. Shojania has been Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Quality and Safety. When he started as Editor, the journal had an impact factor of 1.6, placing it 36th in a category of 90+ journals. The journal’s impact factor has since reached 7.043, so that it now ranks 2nd among the 94 journals listed by Thompson Reuters in the category of Health Services and Policy.