Prof Alex Harding

Co-presenter: Innovations in undergraduate GP teaching
Presenters: Alex Harding, Jane Kirby, Joe Rosenthal
View the Educational keynote on YouTube
The need for new approaches to undergraduate teaching in general practice was brought starkly into focus by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. We will present a range of novel educational resources developed collaboratively by SAPC Heads of GP Teaching (HoTs), in partnership with the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Medical Schools Council, in order to support medical students’ learning in general practice.
Alex Harding has worked as a GP in Exeter for the last fifteen years. He is involved at the Medical School with making sure the community part of the medical school programme runs smoothly. He is also involved in curriculum development and innovation.
Broad research specialisms
His research interests centre on clinical learning in both community and hospital settings. He works broadly in qualitative research areas and is currently doing a Doctorate in clinical education.
Here his work centres on using contemporary theory such as Actor Network Theory to interpret how students learn in the clinical environment