Dr Wendy Ann Webb

Weds 30th June 2021
7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture
"Life's hard and then you die: End of life priorities within the homeless population"
Wendy is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, with extensive experience in palliative care, who is passionate about improving health care provision for some of the most marginalised people in our society. She was awarded a Florence Nightingale Foundation Research Scholarship for the first 2 years of her PhD research exploring end-of-life priorities within the homeless population. Prior to commencing her PhD, Wendy also carried out a qualitative research study exploring the perceptions of hostel staff regarding hostel-based palliative care for homeless people. She is a Queen's Nurse, who has worked with people experiencing homelessness in a variety of paid and voluntary capacities, and is now working as the lead Advanced Clinical Practitioner for Physical Health within a low-medium secure Forensic Mental Health unit.