Mental health - "No health without mental health"

If you wish to be added to the Google group for the SAPC Mental Health SIG to receive updates please email Nancy Horlick (Bristol) to ask to be added.

See for further information about SAPC and how to join.


Mental Health Special Interest Group Primary Care Mental Health Conference

Wednesday 14th May 2025 - 09:30-3:30

Abstraction submission is now live and deadline for submission is 23rd February by 5pm


We invite you to share your research with fellow researchers and service users at the forthcoming SAPC Mental Health Special Interest Group - Primary Care Mental Health Conference to be held on Wednesday 14th May 2025. The focus of the conference is:

“Inclusive Primary Care Mental Health

The day will commence at 9.30am and finish at 3.30pm.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided throughout the day and free parking will be available.

The cost for attending will be £40 for SAPC members and £80 for non-SAPC members.

Non-members may be able to join SAPC and become eligible for the SAPC member rate.


Registration is now open - to book please click the link here.

Registration deadline: Friday 4th May

Please direct any queries to :