Special Interest Groups (SIGs) at ASM 2019 Exeter
Wednesday 3rd July 2019
If you wish to get in touch with the leaders of these meetings please click on the name of the group which will take you to the SIG's page with contact details. SIGs are open to all delegates.
10:30 - 11:30
Palliative care
Empowering and promoting primary palliative care to improve the quality of life of the growing numbers of people, both old and young, living with complex chronic conditions and multi-morbidity, is in urgent need of attention. What can academic primary care do to help?
Please join us at the palliative care SIG where we will be hearing from GPs doing primary palliative care research, reviewing recent frameworks and guidance, and discussing opportunities for academic work to grow the much needed evidence base.
Statistics group
11:45 - 12:45
Cardiovascular Research Group
This brand new SIG is planning its inaugural meeting at Exeter - watch this space!
Where are we with compassion in primary care?
An NHS in crisis, GPs leaving, Practices closing, challenges in recruitment, consequent unmanageable workload, increasing bureaucracy, more and more consultations and longer consultations with increasing complexity. How do we maintain compassion and make sure our patients come first? In the era of Primary Care Networks, what can this SIG contribute to the NHS Longterm Plan?
Digital technologies
Digital technologies in primary care are more relevant than ever, with the NHS Long term plan stating that digital-first primary care will be available to all patients within the next five years, and new technologies for primary health care appearing readily.
Join us to discuss they key issues, hear about ongoing research in this area and share your views and experiences.
All welcome.
Mental health
The recently established Mental Health SIG ("No health without mental health") is open to any primary care researcher with an interest in mental health.
The aims of the first meeting are to:
- Make connections between researchers;
- Provide the opportunity for researchers working in the field of primary care to discuss their current work, particularly around mental health problems comorbid with long term physical condition, and methodological expertise;
- Exchange information about relevant grant funding, clinical guidance, relevant policies.
The session will be interactive - bring a pen and your enthusiasm.
Personal care and The Self combined meeting
Scholarship Strengthening Person-Centred Primary Care
In Exeter, we will continue our work to develop and implement the core basic science of primary care by co-hosting a meeting of two of our SAPC SIGs.
The Self SIG, and the Personal Care SIG, share a goal to ensure clinicians have the resources they need to deliver person-centred primary care through providing resources for evidence/scholarship informed practice.
Members of these groups critically examine concepts central to delivering person-centred care: how person-centred care can recognise and ‘unlock’ the capacity of the individual living with illness; the changing nature and role of continuity in modern primary care; why survey data describes a decline in person-centred care when it remains a policy priority.
In this combined SIG session, we bring these two groups together to explore the opportunities to translate evidence into practice and policy.
Profs Dowrick and Freeman – the brains behind the two SIGs – will briefly outline the key ideas explored to date in each SIG. Before inviting attendees to consider the opportunities emerging for research-led teaching, practice and policy. The session will identify the 3 priority scholarship activities that the SIGs will take forward in the next 12 months.
The session will be of interest to researchers, educators and clinicians interested in the potential for scholarship-led development of person-centred primary care.
The Self group is holding a combined meeting with the Personal Care group
See above
We will reflect on our work to date, including our book Person-centred Primary Care: Searching for the Self (Routledge, 2018). We will review our ongoing and planned educational activities. We will then consider potential research initiatives to test and apply our key concepts.