2021 SAPC North (virtual)

Thursday 11th November 2021

Thursday 11th November 2021

Sustainability and success of primary care

View the keynote presentations and Ask the Editor session

DOI reference:  10.37361/n.2021.1.1

Click on the Schedule tab above to view the programme and parallel session abstracts.

Download the abstract book

Sustainable Primary Healthcare: 

A reminder that the Greener Practice website has resources and links to support you with sustainable primary healthcare.  

If you email greenerpractice@gmail.com, we can 

  1. Put you on our national emailing list
  2. Put you in touch with primary care colleagues in your area and a local group close to you. 
  3. Help you join one of the following Greener Practice  WhatApp special interest groups: Education, Clinical Care, Respiratory, Working with Originations, Organisational Carbon (non-clinical) and a generic national group. 

Here is a link to the newly published guide for healthcare professionals on how to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers. 

For educators who are interested in learning more as part of their faculty development on sustainable healthcare, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare runs several courses. You may be particularly interested in Sustainable Primary Care and Sustainable Quality improvement. Details of the next courses are below can be found on the website  


Short courses in sustainability, health and healthcare | Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

Designed for health professionals, educators, students, and sustainability / estates managers, our training courses are based on a mix of core concepts, case studies, and the sharing of interdisciplinary perspectives and experiences. We recommend starting with Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare and then continuing further with our advanced courses.



SAPC North was a virtual conference hosted by Keele University

  • Registration closed on Monday 8th November
  • Abstract submission is now closed - deadline was 20th September

Keynote speakers

Dawn Scott

Professor in Mammal Ecology and Conservation, Keele University (until end Oct 2021)

Executive Dean of School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences, Nottingham Trent University.

Featured on BBC’s Springwatch

Health benefits of interacting with wildlife


Aarti Bansal

General Practitioner

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Academy of Primary Care, Hull York Medical School 

Founder of Greener Practice  

Co-chair of RCGP Climate Emergency Advisory Group

Planetary Health and Primary Care: Why should I care and what can I do?


Euan Lawson

Dr Euan Lawson (Editor BJGP) will be answering your questions about publishing in peer-reviewed journals - do submit questions to c.farrall@keele.ac.uk

"Ask the Editor"

Showing : |


Day 1 : Thursday 11th November


Welcome and Introduction

Prof Carolyn Chew-Graham and Prof Christian Mallen


Keynote: Health benefits of interacting with wildlife, Prof Dawn Scott

1A Towards "greener" practice 1 Prof Jo Protheroe, Moderator: Dr Victoria Silverwood 8 talks
1A.1 Evaluating the implementation of a new Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship for all year four medical students at Newcastle University, United Kingdom A. Dodsworth Full abstract
1A.2 Greener Asthma Prescribing – a research proposal Helen Twohig Full abstract
1A.3 Incorporating Sustainable Healthcare teaching into a new final year curriculum at the Newcastle University J Chambers Full abstract
1A.4 Role modelling: is it the key to shaping the future GP? Understanding the lived experience of a powerful educational phenomenon Lily Lamb Full abstract
1A.5 Today's Trainees, Tomorrow's Teachers? L McHale Full abstract
1A.6 Clinical supervision of Physician Associates in primary care R Agarwal Full abstract
1A.7 The prevalence of burnout in primary care physicians in LMICs: a systematic review and meta-analysis T Wright Full abstract
1A.8 An exploration of medical students’ perceptions of being taught by GP specialty trainees (GPSTs) E Walker Full abstract
1B Utilising a range of data and methods in primary care research 2 Dr Cathy Morgan, Moderator: Dr Faraz Mughal 8 talks
1B.1 The value of qualitative research in primary care study development: an example using the De-STRESS study. H Birkinshaw Full abstract
1B.2 Lowering AntiMicrobial Prescribing (LAMP) – was a feedback intervention in primary care successful in reducing antibiotic prescribing in West Yorkshire? ES Lau Full abstract
1B.3 A project to improve collection of patient feedback during distanced consultations in a primary care network. Gordon Weight Full abstract
1B.4 Musculoskeletal pain and its impact on prognosis following hospitalisation for acute coronary syndrome or cerebrovascular accident: a linked electronic health record cohort study (MSKCOM) KJ Mason Full abstract
1B.5 Chronology in multimorbidity clustering and its effect on treatment burden and the utilisation of health and social care services LM Kaluvu Full abstract
1B.6 Prescription for consultations with gout flare in primary care N Padmanabhan Full abstract
1B.7 Automated Check-in Data Collection (AC DC): a sustainable method for conducting research in general practice SA Lawton Full abstract
1B.8 Towards an evidence-based decision tool to guide relapse prediction and prevention of depression in primary care Andrew Moriarty Full abstract



Keynote: Planetary health and primary care: why should I care and what can I do? Dr Aarti Bansal




PHoCuS Group meeting for primary healthcare scientists (non-GPs) - Dr Emma Healey

Please feel free to bring your lunch


Introduction to afternoon - Prof Carolyn Chew-Graham


Sustainability workshop - Dr Aarti Bansal, Dr Hugh Alberti, Lauren Franklin

Interactive workshop on developing greener lives



2A Recovery from COVID19 1 Prof Jo Protheroe, Moderator Dr Helen Twohig 8 talks
2A.1 Acceptability of an intervention to mitigate the psychological impacts of COVID-19 restrictions in older people with long-term conditions: a qualitative study. Leanne Shearsmith1 Full abstract
2A.2 Exploring the challenges of women of Black or Asian ethnicity becoming a parent during the Covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative study R MacGregor Full abstract
2A.3 Increasing Physical Activity in Older People with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (iPOPP) – the views of older adults on physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic B Bartlam Full abstract
2A.4 Exploring experiences of remote consultations in general practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of people with Type 2 diabetes Bhavnisha Patel Full abstract
2A.5 Analgesic prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic C Burton Full abstract
2A.6 Post-COVID-19-syndrome: a quality improvement case study utilising a call-recall approach JJ Hutchinson Full abstract
2A.7 General Practice Trainees perceptions and experiences of dying and death in the community during COVID-19- Preliminary findings R Holdsworth Full abstract
2A.8 Symptom Patterns and Life with long-Term COVID-19 in children and adolescents, (SPLaT-19 SR): a living systematic review of scientific literature T Robinson Full abstract
2B Patient-centred care 2 Prof Joanne Reeve, Moderator Sarah Lawton 8 talks
2B.1 Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis F Mughal Full abstract
2B.2 General practitioner management of self-harm in young people in England: a qualitative study F Mughal Full abstract
2B.3 A qualitative study exploring perspectives of emotional distress in men of south Asian origin and GPs serving them H Awan Full abstract
2B.4 Managing people with persistent musculoskeletal pain and distress in the primary care consultation Noureen Shivji Full abstract
2B.5 Understanding how “non-traditional” providers can support the early detection of mental health problems among older adults: a realist synthesis Tom Kingstone Full abstract
2B.6 Describing the available non-pharmacological interventions for perinatal anxiety (PNA) used in primary care: a systematic review of systematic reviews V Silverwood Full abstract
2B.7 How should we care for patients with heart failure in primary care? A protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review of primary-care-based models of care for patients with heart failure N Cooper-Moss Full abstract
2B.8 Decision-making in chronic disease: an exploration of the experiences of people with IBD LR Grinsted Tate Full abstract



"Ask the Editor" - Dr Euan Lawson, Editor BJGP


Closing session and prize giving - Early Career Researcher and Medical Student