SAPC News & current events

Winner of SAPC's Principal Investigator Prize 2020

The prize is for the PI who provides exceptional support, leadership and encouragement for their team through the highs and lows of research, careers and life. We received fewer nominations than last year - but all gave inspiring descriptions of...

Winners of SAPC medical student essay and PhD prizes 2020

SAPC is delighted to announce the winners of our career prizes in 2020 Medical Student essay prize Essay subject: "A consultation in primary care that changed my practice" This is the first year we have offered this award. We received 37 excellent...

COVID-19 research update from SAPC members

There have been a number of important contributions from SAPC members to the evidence-base which will support clinicians in their work. Added 4th June 2020: Study by Edge Hill and Keele Universities Children on coronavirus: ‘Don’t just tell us to...


BJGPLife is the British Journal of General Practice's multimedia communication platform and first choice for comment, opinion, ideas and experience. It is accessible directly from the BJGP website and is an integral and essential part of the BJGP...

Cancellation of ASM 2020

In March we announced the cancellation of our Annual Scientific Meeting in Leeds in July – a decision which had to be made early to prevent financial losses. A big thanks must go to Richard Neal and Suzanne Richards and their team who had spent many...

Report of 2018 national survey UK Heads of GP teaching

Many thanks to Emily Cottrell, Hugh Alberti and Trevor Thompson who have now prepared a report on our 2018 national survey of all UK Heads of GP teaching. We are very grateful to them for all their efforts. This was a cross-sectional questionnaire...

Chair-Elect of RCGP announced

Many congratulations to Professor Martin Marshall (Professor of Healthcare Improvement, University College London) who will be the next Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, taking over from Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard in November...
