SAPC ASM 2015 - Oxford - Evidence and innovation in primary care

44th annual scientific meeting

8–10 July 2015 at University of Oxford

We bring together researchers and educators from the primary care community to showcase the latest studies aimed at advancing primary care in the heart of Oxford. This is a great opportunity for you to share your work and join the conversation.

Video coverage of the plenary lectures and elevator pitches is now available.


The role of primary care in the NHS future plan
Making a difference for people with mental health problems
Supporting people with medically unexplained symptoms
Multimorbidity: new paradigm or the emperor’s new clothes?
Showing : |


Day 1 : Wednesday 8th July

HODs meeting part 2
Room: L4
HOTs meeting
Room: L5
Old HODs
Room: C2

SAPC pre-conference workshops

  1. Becoming an independent researcher - Room: L6
  2. What to do when a journalist calls? - Room: C1

Special interest groups

  • Behaviour change - Room: C4
  • Health Literacy - Room: C2
  • Palliative care: "Where next for primary palliative care? A workshop with a blank canvas" - Room: C3



Welcome and opening session

Chairs: Richard Hobbs and Susan Jebb

Presentations of distraction - selected from the highest scoring abstracts

Room: L1
(video relay in L2)
Plenary 1.1 Should antivirals be added to steroids in the treatment of severe, early Bell's Palsy?
Frank Sullivan
Room: L1
Plenary 1.2 Randomised Controlled Tril Testing Physiotherapy-led Excercise and Ultrasound-Guided Corticosteroid Injection for Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: The SUPPORT Trial
Nadine Foster
1A Cancer L1 Brendan Delaney 6 talks
1A.1 Clinical features of metastatic cancer in primary care; a case-control study using medical records Full abstract
1A.2 Blood CEA levels for detecting recurrent colorectal cancer: a Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy review Full abstract
1A.3 A comparative qualitative study of patients' experiences of cancer diagnosis in England, Denmark and Sweden Full abstract
1A.4 Evaluating the usefulness of longitudinal CEA measurements to detect colorectal cancer recurrence Full abstract
1A.5 The influence of first impressions on the diagnosis of early cancers by GPs Full abstract
1A.6 Analysis of the Free Text Comments from the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership 4 (ICBP4) Survey Full abstract
1B Child Health L2 Sonia Saxena 6 talks
1B.1 Frequency and risk factors for hospital readmission of very preterm infants to age one year Full abstract
1B.2 Feasibility of a randomized trial comparing different emollients for childhood eczema: findings from Choice of Moisturiser in Eczema Treatment (COMET) study Full abstract
1B.3 Confidential enquiry into child deaths is associated with a reduction in child mortality in Africa Full abstract
1B.4 Patient reported GP access and out of hours emergency department visits in children. A national population based study. Full abstract
1B.5 Prevalence of, and risk factors for, antimicrobial resistance in paediatric urinary bacteria - a systematic review and meta-analysis Full abstract
1B.6 The value of point-of-care CRP testing in acutely ill children presenting to out-of-hours services. Full abstract
1C Delivery of General Practice L3 John Campbell 6 talks
1C.1 The tick and the talk: do patients' survey responses relate to their narrated experience of primary care consultations? Full abstract
1C.2 The potential for alternatives to face to face consultations in UK Primary Care: thematic analysis of free text responses to a scoping survey. Full abstract
1C.3 Patients' reports and evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study Full abstract
1C.4 Assessing the public's willingness to provide informed consent for their identifiable medical records to be accessed for different types of research. Full abstract
1C.5 Evidence-based policy-making and the ‘art of commissioning’ – how English healthcare commissioners access, use and transform information and academic research in ‘real life’ decision-making: An empirical qualitative study Full abstract
1C.6 Strategies to recruit and retain general practitioners: a systematic review Full abstract
1D Prescribing L4 Jeremy Dale 6 talks
1D.1 The rise and fall of potentially inappropriate prescribing: trends and interaction with polypharmacy over 15 years in primary care in Ireland Full abstract
1D.3 Antibiotic prescribing and patient satisfaction in primary care: a cross-sectional analysis of national patient survey data and prescribing data in England Full abstract
1D.4 Chinese herbal medicine for oligomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea in polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomised feasibility study in the United Kingdom Full abstract
1D.5 Changes in adolescent poisonings in the UK over the past 20 years: a population based cohort study Full abstract
1D.6 An investigation if the cost-effectiveness of medication monitoring in UK primary care: a case study of amiodarone Full abstract
1E Mini-symposium 1- How can research impact be measured? L5 Roger Jones 1 talk
1E.1 Mini-symposium 1 - How can research impact be measured? Full abstract
1F Workshop 1 - Understanding, reporting and conducting pilot and feasibility trials L6 1 talk
1F.1 Workshop 1 - Understanding, reporting and conducting pilot and feasibility trials Full abstract

Tea break


Plenary 1
Chair: Richard Hobbs
Simon Stevens, CE NHS England

The role of primary care in the NHS future plan

Room: L1
(video relay L2)
EP1A Musculoskeletal L1 Christian Mallen 7 talks
EP1A.1 Optimising outcome prediction in primary care: Use of longitudinal data in prognosis research Full abstract
EP1A.2 Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) in General Practice (GP): A Novel GP-based clinic Full abstract
EP1A.3 Temporal trend of annual consultation incidence of osteoarthritis between 1992 and 2013 in primary care in England: estimates from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink Full abstract
EP1A.4 Supporting the Self-Management of Low Back Pain in Primary Care: The Development of the ‘SupportBack' Internet Intervention. Full abstract
EP1A.5 Prevalence of CVD-related comorbidity in ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis: A matched retrospective cohort study Full abstract
EP1A.6 Exploring shared decision-making in prescribing analgesia for musculoskeletal pain in primary care consultations. Full abstract
EP1A.7 Modifying the STarT Back tool for use with patients with other musculoskeletal conditions: does it work? Full abstract
EP1B Consultation and communication L2 Chris Salisbury 7 talks
EP1B.1 Shared decision making in consultations when an option grid is introduced. Is the OG an artificial interruption in an otherwise artful consultation? A discourse analysis. Full abstract
EP1B.2 The potential for alternatives to face to face consultations in UK Primary Care: a realist review. Full abstract
EP1B.3 A Health Check for Rural General Practice in Scotland Full abstract
EP1B.4 A mixed methods study examining the influence of general practice and nurse consultation characteristics on patient satisfaction and enablement Full abstract
EP1B.5 The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and costs of New ROles for health care professionalS: results from the MUNROS study Full abstract
EP1B.6 Caring for the patient, caring for the record: an ethnographic study of 'back office' work in upholding quality of care in general practice Full abstract
EP1B.7 Communication about heavy menstrual bleeding; is this the last taboo subject? Full abstract
EP1C Long term conditions L3 Andrew Wilson 4 talks
EP1C.1 A qualitative exploration of the experience of living with epilepsy in the mid-west region of Ireland. Full abstract
EP1C.2 Physical activity for the prevention and treatment of major chronic disease: An overview of systematic reviews Full abstract
EP1C.3 The contribution of a process evaluation to explain the results of a cluster randomized controlled trial for people with depression in long-term physical conditions. Full abstract
EP1C.4 Mapping the Evolution of a Digital Health Programme towards Innovation in Primary Care: Living It Up Full abstract
EP1D Education L4 Joe Rosenthal Talks TBC
EP1E Infection L5 Jeremy Horwood Talks TBC
EP1F Miscellaneous L6 Jane Roberts 5 talks
EP1F.2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine use by participants in the PACE Trial Full abstract
EP1F.3 “We’ve all been passed from pillar to post”: Patient experiences of living with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. Full abstract
EP1F.5 Unscheduled Admissions for Suspected Seizures in the NHS in England 2007-2013 Full abstract
EP1F.6 What should never happen in General Practice? A focus group study exploring the concept of Never Events in General Practice and enablers and barriers to their implementation in practice. Full abstract
EP1F.7 Women’s experience of meaningful change following domestic abuse: a qualitative study nested in a trial of a specialist psychological advocacy intervention (the ‘PATH’ trial) Full abstract

The 2nd Helen Lester memorial lecture

Carolyn Chew-Graham

Making a difference for people with mental health problems

Room: L1
(video relay in L2)

Drinks reception - Oxford university Museum of Natural History

Drinks and canapés with entertainment from In the Pink 

Day 2 : Thursday 9th July


PHoCus group meeting (Primary Healthcare Scientists)
Chairs: Christine Bond and Sandra Eldridge

Room: L4

Plenary 2 - Supporting people with medically unexplained symptoms
Chair: Christian Mallen - Rona Moss-Morris, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London

Room: L1 (Video relay in L2)

NAPCRG/SAPC award winner from the North American Primary Care Group Annual Meeting 2014
Effectiveness of a quality improvement intervention on potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients in primary care: a cluster randomised controlled trial (the OPTI-SCRIPT study)
Barbara Clyne, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Most distinguished paper from the Primary Health Care Research Conference 2014 (Australia)
Family-centered brief intervention for improving physical activity, nutrition and reducing cardiovascular disease risk in family medicine patients: a randomised trial
Felicity Goodyear-Smith, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Yvonne Carter Award for Outstanding Young Researcher 2015
Heart Failure: A Primary Care Problem
Clare J Taylor, University of Birmingham
Sophie Park, University College London was highly commended by the panel of judges representing RCGP and SAPC

Room: L1 (Video relay in L2)

Coffee Break
Primary healthcare scientists group gathering over coffee in C1 - please pick up a coffee before joining the group

2A Methodology L1 Sarah Purdy 6 talks
2A.1 The ‘One in a Million’ study: Creating a database of primary care consultations and linked data Full abstract
2A.2 Rating communication in GP consultations: do patients and experienced trained raters agree? Full abstract
2A.3 Is a pilot study useful to determine the size of a cluster randomised trial? Full abstract
2A.4 Implementation of the TRANSFoRm evidence service supporting diagnosis in primary care Full abstract
2A.5 An approach to developing successful trial follow-up procedures Full abstract
2A.6 Constructive explanations: a taxonomy of explanation components for medically ‘unexplained' symptoms Full abstract
2B Hypertension L2 David Fitzmaurice Talks TBC
2C Mental health L3 Carolyn Chew-Graham Talks TBC
2D Respiratory tract infection L4 Chris Butler 2 talks
2D.5 Oral Steroids for Acute Cough (OSAC): a multi-centre, placebo controlled, randomised trial Full abstract
2D.6 A PRImary care randomised trial of an internet intervention to Modify Influenza-like illness and respiratory infection Transmission (PRIMIT trial.) Full abstract
2E Mini-sympoisium 2 - Optimising prostate cancer survivorship care - where does primary care fit in? L5 Claire Wilkinson 1 talk
2E.1 Mini-symposium 2 - Optimising prostate cancer survivorship care - where does primary care fit in? Full abstract
2F Mini-sympoisium 3 - Quality improvement in Primary Health Care in Low and Middle Income Countries - research outcomes 1 talk
2F.1 Workshop 2 - How can we use personalised medicine in primary care in the UK? Full abstract

and poster discussion


SAPC making a difference featuring the AGM

Room: L2
3A Infectious diseases L1 Paul Little 6 talks
3A.1 Informing the design of a national screening and treatment programme for chronic viral hepatitis in primary care: Qualitative study of at-risk immigrant communities and healthcare professionals Full abstract
3A.2 Oral corticosteroids for symptom relief of sore throat: a double-blind randomised placebo controlled trial in UK primary care Full abstract
3A.3 Diagnosing serious infections in acutely ill children in ambulatory care: diagnostic accuracy of a clinical decision tree together with a point-of-care C-reactive protein test. Full abstract
3A.4 Which women treated first symptomatically for a urinary tract infection (UTI) are later prescribed an antibiotic? Full abstract
3A.5 The Point Of carE testing for urinary Tract Infection in primary Care (POETIC) study: A randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of Flexicult point of care urine culture. Full abstract
3A.6 HPV vaccination- what impact on cervical cancer can we expect? Full abstract
3B Health services L2 Trish Greenhalgh 6 talks
3B.1 Is case management of ‘at-risk’ patients in primary care effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis Full abstract
3B.2 Access to general practice and the route of emergency admission to hospital: retrospective analysis of national hospital administrative data Full abstract
3B.3 Primary care and demand on Emergency Departments: understanding the role of access through an ethnographic study of GP practices Full abstract
3B.4 Investigating the relationship between quality of primary care and premature mortality in England: a spatial whole-population study Full abstract
3B.5 How could a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) for Long-term Conditions (LTCs) improve Patient Care? Patients' and Health and Social Care Stakeholders' Perspectives Full abstract
3B.6 The use of linked health and mortality data to inform injury prevention strategies Full abstract
3C Cardiovascular disease L3 Mark Ashworth 6 talks
3C.1 Cost-effectiveness of a telehealth intervention to reduce CVD risk: Lifetime simulation modelling using QRISK2 Full abstract
3C.2 The impact of provision of a cardiovascular disease risk estimate to practitioners or patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full abstract
3C.3 The txt4healthyhearts mobile phone based intervention to reduce LDL cholesterol in patients at high risk of a cardiovascular event: intervention development. Full abstract
3C.4 Performance of cardiovascular risk scores in South Asian populations- a systematic review of the literature Full abstract
3C.5 The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for reducing cardiovascular risk in patients at high risk: randomised controlled trial Full abstract
3C.6 Patient Experiences of the Clinical Pathway for Diagnosing Heart Failure in Primary Care Full abstract
3D Musculoskeletal L4 Elaine Hay 6 talks
3D.1 How common are giant cell arteritis symptoms in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica?: results from an incident primary care cohort Full abstract
3D.2 On a learning curve: Interviews with clinicians using Option Grids® to facilitate SDM with patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Full abstract
3D.3 Evaluating the use of an Option Grid® for knee osteoarthritis for patients who are from a socially disadvantaged population. Qualitative interviews from a stepped wedge implementation trial (TOGA Study). Full abstract
3D.4 Evaluating the impact of using an Option Grid for osteoarthritis of the knee in an interface musculoskeletal clinic: a stepped wedge trial. Full abstract
3D.5 Primary care based sepsis aftercare improves musculoskeletal function Full abstract
3D.6 Developing a theory-informed intervention using primary care clinicians' perceptions of stratified care for musculoskeletal conditions Full abstract
3E Mini-symposium 4 - Successfully (mis)translating organisational interventions from research to practice: experience from three l L5 1 talk
3E.1 Mini-symposium 3 - Successfully (mis)translating organisational interventions from research to practice: experience from three large trials of complex interventions to improve primary care prescribing safety Full abstract
3F Workshop 3 - Enhancing your career through working with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) L6 1 talk
3F.1 Workshop 3 - Enhancing your career through working with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Full abstract

Tea break
and poster duscussion session 2

EP2A Cardiovascular disease L1 Richard McManus 10 talks
EP2A.1 Bisphosphonates and risk of stroke: self controlled case series study Full abstract
EP2A.10 Allied health professional-led interventions for improving control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension: A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis Full abstract
EP2A.2 How should patients monitor their own blood pressure: a systematic review Full abstract
EP2A.3 Temporal trends in stroke incidence in young people: a systematic review of population based studies. Full abstract
EP2A.4 Hazards of cold spells for incidence of cardiovascular disease in older British men Full abstract
EP2A.5 The prognostic value of B-type natriuretic peptides in chronic heart failure patients - A primary care perspective Full abstract
EP2A.6 Rethinking cardiovascular screening: an observational study of workplace wellness kiosks Full abstract
EP2A.7 Indirect blood pressure measurement for the diagnosis of hypertension in obese patients: A diagnostic accuracy review Full abstract
EP2A.8 Changes in blood pressure in patients with hypertension receiving usual care in randomised controlled trials: findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis Full abstract
EP2A.9 Bisphosphonates and risk of stroke: matched case-control study Full abstract
EP2B Prescribing L2 Tony Avery 10 talks
EP2B.1 Variation between practices in high-risk prescribing: multilevel modelling study of six indicators over five years in 190 practices Full abstract
EP2B.10 Evaluating an international web-based intervention to change GP prescribing: a triangulation of mixed methods data. Full abstract
EP2B.2 What to give the patient who has everything? Development of an intervention to improve prescribing in multimorbidity. Full abstract
EP2B.3 Addressing inequalities in the provision of pharmaceutical services in Scotland: a proof of concept study of tele-pharmacy in rural Scotland. Full abstract
EP2B.4 Prevalence of pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy and associated prescribing patterns using electronic health records Full abstract
EP2B.5 General Practitioners' antibiotic prescribing decisions for children with upper respiratory tract infection: a Think-Aloud study Full abstract
EP2B.6 Interventions for improving medication reconciliation across transitions of care - a systematic review Full abstract
EP2B.7 Thiazolidinedione drugs and the risk of cancer in patients with diabetes: nested case-control studies using a primary care database Full abstract
EP2B.8 Lessons on the failure of the Better Care Better Value prescribing indicator for renin-angiotensin system drugs in treating hypertension: a qualitative study from general practitioners' perspectives Full abstract
EP2B.9 Variation in Anticoagulation treatment Between CCGs: Are Demographic Factors to Blame? Full abstract
EP2C Older adults/elderly and mental health L3 Tony Kendrick 10 talks
EP2C.1 Adverse outcomes in older adults attending emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the Identification of Seniors At Risk (ISAR) screening tool Full abstract
EP2C.10 Treatment outcomes in schizophrenia: what people with schizophrenia consider to be important outcomes Full abstract
EP2C.2 Fracture in the Elderly Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (FEMuR): results of a phase II randomised feasibility study of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation package following proximal hip fracture Full abstract
EP2C.3 Making Sense Of Dementia Risk And Its Prevention – A Qualitative Process Evaluation Of The In-Mindd Trial Full abstract
EP2C.4 Socio-demographic and lifestyle determinants of multimorbidity in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) Full abstract
EP2C.5 The 3D Study: Improving the management of patients with multimorbidity in general practice. Initial observations from the pilot study Full abstract
EP2C.6 The role of social relationships in persistent or recurrent depression among primary care patients Full abstract
EP2C.7 Multimorbidity and the risk of depression in different ethnic groups Full abstract
EP2C.8 Depression and chronic physical disease: a Q-methodology study of patients with co-morbidity Full abstract
EP2C.9 How do GPs deal with parents bereaved by suicide? A qualitative study. Full abstract
EP2D Respiratory L4 Mike Thomas 9 talks
EP2D.1 Age-related smoking status in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) stratified by severity of airflow obstruction: an observational cohort study using the Hampshire Health Record Analytical database (HHRA). Full abstract
EP2D.2 Preferences for care and treatment in advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients: results from a discrete choice experiment Full abstract
EP2D.3 COPD readmissions in an urban environment: health service factors Full abstract
EP2D.4 Oral propranolol in people with asthma and anxiety Full abstract
EP2D.5 What are the barriers and facilitators to clinicians' ability to meet the needs of patients with advanced COPD and their informal carers? Full abstract
EP2D.6 Over diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the UK- cross sectional analysis of baseline data from Birmingham COPD cohort study Full abstract
EP2D.7 A partnership approach to COPD diagnosis and management in general practice Full abstract
EP2D.8 Feasibility and acceptability of conducting a trial of a C-reactive protein point of care test assisted management strategy for patients presenting with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in UK primary care Full abstract
EP2D.9 Enabling patient-centred care in advanced COPD: identifying care and support needs. Full abstract
EP2E Dangerous idea L2 Bob McKinley Talks TBC

Day 3 : Friday 10th July


Plenary 3
Chair: Susan Jebb
Bruce Guthrie, University of Dundee
Multimorbidity: new paradigm or the emperor’s new clothes?

Room: L1 (video relay in L2)
EP3A Vulnerable groups L1 Mike Moore 8 talks
EP3A.1 Improving access to primary care for deprived older people living in rural areas: a mixed method study Full abstract
EP3A.2 Digital health interventions for people with low health literacy: An international trial of web-based materials to promote physical activity amongst people with type-2 diabetes Full abstract
EP3A.3 What do we know about the involvement of minority ethnic groups in health and social care research? A systematic review Full abstract
EP3A.4 How do White British and Pakistani people rate communication within simulated GP-patient consultations? A national experimental vignette study Full abstract
EP3A.5 Mortality rates amongst patients on opiate substitution treatment - comparing those on methadone or buprenorphine medications Full abstract
EP3A.6 Left, Right, Left, Does it Matter which Arm? Ethnic Variations in Clinical Interarm Difference and Relationship to White Coat Effects Full abstract
EP3A.7 Making ‘Social prescribing’ work: The Links Worker Programme in ‘Deep End’ practices in Glasgow Full abstract
EP3A.8 Gender inequalities in social support and access to healthcare for cardiovascular risk prevention in the Pakistani community, UK: a qualitative study. Full abstract
EP3B Methodology L2 Kerry Hood 8 talks
EP3B.1 Quantifying the value of aspects of personalised care: development of a Discrete Choice Experiment around support for self-management of chronic pain. Full abstract
EP3B.2 Does patient and public involvement have an impact on general practice? A participatory action research study Full abstract
EP3B.3 Internet delivery of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial in general practice. Full abstract
EP3B.4 Risk prediction models for colorectal neoplasia or cancer in symptomatic individuals: a systematic review Full abstract
EP3B.5 Research impact in the community based health sciences: an analysis of 162 impact case studies submitted to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) Full abstract
EP3B.6 The use of verbal and written consent to review primary care medical records in a randomised controlled trial: Evaluation of a two-stage process Full abstract
EP3B.7 Encouraging collaborations between researchers and commissioners: a qualitative evaluation of a knowledge mobilisation initiative Full abstract
EP3B.8 Acceptability, reliability and validity of the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Patient Safety in Primary Care (PREOS-PC) instrument Full abstract
EP3C Weight management L3 Susan Jebb 9 talks
EP3C.1 Evaluating implementation fidelity in the PACE-UP (Pedometer and Consultation Evaluation-UP) complex walking intervention Full abstract
EP3C.2 A feasibility study of ‘Simple Steps' - a general practice based physical activity intervention in pregnancy. Full abstract
EP3C.3 Access to adult weight management in primary care: qualitative interviews with key stakeholders from NHS weight management services in Scotland Full abstract
EP3C.4 Healthcare professionals' experiences of supporting participants using an online weight management intervention (POWeR): A qualitative study Full abstract
EP3C.5 Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation: an update Full abstract
EP3C.6 The impact of the 2012 QOF revision on the provision of smoking cessation support in UK primary care Full abstract
EP3C.7 Development of the Smoking Treatment Optimisation in Pharmacies (STOP) Intervention: Integration of four elements Full abstract
EP3C.8 A longitudinal study of smoking cessation among primary care patients with depressive symptoms Full abstract
EP3C.9 A qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators to presenting to primary care among smokers Full abstract
EP3D Diagnosis and cancer L4 Willie Hamilton 9 talks
EP3D.1 Differential diagnosis generators in UK primary medical care: A feasibility study using the Isabel diagnostic tool Full abstract
EP3D.10 Relating Prescribing to Use of Unscheduled Care for Pain-Related Presentations in Patients with Cancer in their Last 12 Months of Life. Full abstract
EP3D.3 Liver Function Testing (LFT) in Primary Care: Retrospective Case Note Review of the Management of Patients with Abnormal LFTs Full abstract
EP3D.4 Pre-diabetes: Should we screen for it and if so, how and what should we offer to those who screen positive? Full abstract
EP3D.5 Detecting recurrence of colorectal cancer following five years of scheduled CEA and CT – An economics analysis from the Follow-up after Colorectal Surgery (FACS) Randomized Clinical Trial Full abstract
EP3D.6 What is the relationship between staging and diagnostic interval in patients aged 40 years and over diagnosed with common cancers between 2000 and 2009? Full abstract
EP3D.7 A randomised controlled trial of the detection in blood of autoantibodies to tumour antigens as a case-finding method in lung cancer using the EarlyCDT-Lung test in Scotland (ECLS). Full abstract
EP3D.8 Circulating vitamin D concentrations and breast cancer risk: A pooled analysis of 17 cohorts Full abstract
EP3D.9 Association between use of the urgent cancer referral pathway and cancer survival: national cohort study Full abstract

Coffee break
and poster discussion session 3

4A Metabolic disease L1 Helen Stokes-Lampard 4 talks
4A.1 The language of chronic kidney disease diagnosis: a qualitative study of patient experiences and primary care professionals’ views Full abstract
4A.2 Glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and their relationships to clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study Full abstract
4A.3 Urgent need for alternative sampling strategies for electrolytes in primary care: relationship between potassium in primary care samples and ambient temperature on day of collection in a population of 600,000 registered patients. Full abstract
4A.4 Can community healthcare practitioners believe point-of-care tests for haemoglobin and renal function? Agreement study of point-of-care tests and subsequent central laboratory tests for acute frailty syndromes in older adults. Full abstract
4B Respiratory L2 Alastair Hay 4 talks
4B.1 TargetCOPD: A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of targeted case finding for COPD versus routine practice in primary care Full abstract
4B.2 Patient experience of using a digital health application for self-management support in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Full abstract
4B.3 The association between emergency admissions for asthma and access to English primary care; national database cross sectional analysis Full abstract
4B.4 The EXPERT study: feasibility randomised controlled trial of an internet-based intervention using patient experience to support self-management of asthma Full abstract
4C Elderly care and dementia L3 Christine Bond 4 talks
4C.1 REDIRECT: An analysis of the nature and drivers of avoidable emergency department presentations by the elderly in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia Full abstract
4C.2 Cast Adrift in the Care System?A Systematic Scoping Review of Care Navigation for Older People with Multimorbidity Full abstract
4C.3 Awareness and information needs relating to Assistive Technologies among people with dementia, carers and General Practitioners; A qualitative study Full abstract
4C.4 Diagnosis of dementia using the mini-mental state examination in general practice and the community: Cochrane systematic review of diagnostic test accuracy Full abstract
4D Women’s health L4 Pippa Oakeshott 4 talks
4D.1 Effects of a mobile phone-based intervention to support post-abortion family planning in Cambodia Full abstract
4D.2 What influences women's preferences for differing medical treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding? Full abstract
4D.3 Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A parallel group individually randomised controlled trial of a psychological intervention for survivors of domestic violence and abuse Full abstract
4D.4 How can we promote effective engagement with web-based support for weight management? Full abstract
4E Mini-symposium 5 - Implementing a Learning Health System for diagnosis in Primary Care L5 1 talk
4E.1 Mini-symposium 4 - Implementing a Learning Health System for diagnosis in Primary Care Full abstract
4F Workshop 4 - Co-creation of knowledge in primary care: researchers really can change the world - if they embrace new paradigms! L6 1 talk
4F.1 Workshop 4 - Co-creation of knowledge in primary care: researchers really can change the world - if they embrace new paradigms! Full abstract

Closing session
Chair: Richard Hobbs

Prize giving

SAPC ASM 2016 presentation - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin


Packed lunch


Workshop 6
Using PROMs in Primary Care in theory and practice


  • Jose Valderas, University of Exeter Medical School
  • Ian Porter, University of Exeter Medical School


Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are health status assessments elicited from the patients themselves. The new NHS Outcomes Framework places PROMs among the key measures of performance of the National Health Services., but there has so far been limited evidence on their use in Primary Care.


  1. to gain a better understanding of what PROMs are (and what they are not)
  2. to be able to complete, administer score and interpret different types of PROMs
  3. to be able to identify and appraise PROMs for use in Primary Care
  4. to know best practice and the supporting evidence for their use in Primary Care
  5. to learn from hands on ongoing experience of routinely using PROMS to patients with multiple conditions in GP surgeries in the South West.
Room: L5

Workshop 5
Educating for compassion in primary care


  • Richard Knox, University of Nottingham
  • Rodger Charlton, University of Nottingham
  • Jane Coomber, University of Nottingham

To explore ways of meaningfully delivering a curriculum of compassionate care in primary care to our undergraduate medical students and postgraduate trainees.


  1. Shared understanding of the barriers and facilitators to implementing a robust curriculum focused on compassionate care
  2. Shared understanding of the benefits of delivering a comprehensive curriculum focused around compassionate care
  3. Collaboration for educational research focused on education of compassion in the primary care curriculum
Room: L4

Special interest groups

  • Personal care - Room: C1
  • Genetics - Room: C2
  • Education research - Room: C3
  • PHoCuS group champions - Room: C4
  • Skin/dermatology - please note this SIG has been cancelled


University of Oxford
Radcliffe observatory quarter, Oxford

The Mathematical Institute's brand new Andrew Wiles Building is hosting our conference this year.

Conference team

Conference social events

Wed 08 Jul - 17:15 to 18:45
Wed 08 Jul - 18:30 to 20:00
Wed 08 Jul - 19:00 to 23:00
Dress code:
Lounge suits (black tie if you wish)