Urgent Primary and Community Care (UPCC)

This is a new SIG for all things urgent primary and community care including: urgent care, out-of-hours care, alternatives to admission, urgent care workforce issues, primary and secondary care interface pertaining to acute care, and much more. This group is co-led by Dr Alex Burrell, Dr Matthew Booker, and Dr Sara McKelvie. Our specific aims are to:

·         Create a network of researchers of all levels and backgrounds interested in UPCC

·         Facilitate collaboration and ideas generation

·         Support dissemination of findings

·         Share and appraise developments in UPCC research

·         Support development of high quality UPCC research

·         Support the integration of UPCC research into practice

If you’d like to join this SIG, please contact the co-lead Dr Alex Burrell: alex.burrell@bristol.ac.uk