2023 Annual report Patient and public involvement and participatory approaches to primary care

Activities: We held an in person meeting at the SIG Café at the ASM however this was poorly attended and feedback from people during the conference suggested that there was a lot of interest in this SIG but people wanted to attend multiple SIG meetings at the same time. For the next meeting we will revert to a more focused discussion which in previous years has been well attended and at that meeting will ask for the feedback about different ways that the SIG can work best for members.RM was also invited to present to VIBIS (A Danish umbrella patients’ association with voluntary organisations and healthcare professional members across Denmark) where she promoted the SIG and critical debate around participatory research.

Future plans: following the ASM we have been developing a virtual session (aim to host in May 2024) with Jenny Newbould and Stephanie Stockwell (RAND Europe) to network and share experiences of what has worked well, challenges, and ways to overcome them to help to continue the critical development of approaches to public involvement and participatory research. We also aim to invite members to attend the annual SIG Meeting at the ASM to build on these discussions and discussions with the national SPCR PPI lead where we hope to host a joint meeting.