2015 palliative care report

Report of activities

In 2015 at the SAPC meeting in Oxford on Wed 8th July the group ran a workshop entitiled ‘Where next for primary palliative care?- Prof Rodger Charlton convened this together with two younger enthusiastic GPs. Dr Tapsfield spoke about her recent research on anticipatory care planning in general practices in Edinburgh, and Dr Oishi presented an overview of the current state of primary palliative care in Japan. The workshop was held to inspire attendees to be research active and  become aware of global developments in primary palliative care.

In 2014 at the SAPC meeting in Edinburgh we ran a successful workshop where we encouraged people who were currently not active in palliative care research to attend and discuss projects they might take forward with our support.  Members have, together with palliative care specialists, drafted up suggested national undergraduate and FY1 palliative care learning outcomes  for Scotland and England.

Impact on primary care internationally

SIG members have been central in producing a European Association of Palliative Care and WONCA approved Toolkit to facilitate the development of palliative care in the community internationally.  This involved liaison with around 20 palliative care advocates working as family doctors throughout Europe.  This Toolkit has been endorsed by the WHO who in 2014 resolved that all countries should integrate palliative care in their healthcare in all settings.  There is now great opportunity to stimulate primary palliative care throughout the European Union.

Murray SA, Firth A,  Schneider N, et al Promoting palliative care in the community: production of the primary care toolkit by the European Association of Palliative Care Taskforce in primary palliative care.  Palliative Medicine, 2014.

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