Annual Report 2024


  • Oral health and Mental Health SIG collaboration
  • SPCR funded ENDEARS study - ENgaging DEntal teAms in Research Study (led from University of Manchester)
  • Developing the pipeline of academic general dental practitioners To date we have: 1xNIHR ACF in primary dental care at University of Manchester started in October 2024 and another one due to start in 2025; 1x NIHR doctoral fellowship from a GDP submitted in 2025;1xWellcome Trust doctoral fellow at Uni of Manchester; 1xNIHR CL in primary dental care at University of Liverpool; 3x GDPs who are research active, tenured clinical senior lecturers/associate professors (Universities of Manchester, Leeds & Plymouth). Still no GDPs who are research active full professors.

Future Plans

  • Use SAPC as a meeting / forum for academic GDPs, to support development of those in the pipeline
  • Embed oral health and dental care into the Greater Manchester ARC 2.0 - (Helping to improve the health and care of patients and the public)

Evidence of impact of the SIG

Oral health included in physical health checks for people with SMI- NIHR HSDR funded link worker intervention to improve dental access for people with SMI - pilot trial successful and submitted for full trial.- NHS Office of the Chief Dental Officer research event included members of the ENDEARS advisory group who shared the emerging themes as part of national efforts to integrate research into dental practice.

How affiliation with SAPC has helped the SIG

Collaboration between SIGs (oral and mental health) to improve oral and mental health outcomes in people with SMI.- Supporting development of a pipeline for academic primary dental care, where it has proven necessary to show equivalence to academic GP when making the case for terms and conditions for tenured academic GDP roles.

Special interest group: