Annual Report 2024


This year I have continued with the newsletter, have continued offering contacts and connections and have held a face to face meeting at the National SAPC conference with a speaker from overseas. I have supported ECRs in plans to hold stakeholder events that invite participants from the SIG list.

Future Plans
This year I hope to hold an online conference, and an in person meeting at SWSAPC and National SAPC. I will continue with newsletters.

Evidence of impact of the SIG
We have contributed to recruitment to studies via the mailing list, supported early career researchers with applications for awards and prizes. The newsletter is received and read by over 100 people.

Outcomes from SIG meeting at last SAPC ASM 
We had approx 20 people attend and had a speaker from Norway.

How affiliation with SAPC has helped the SIG
It provides the framework for the SIG, web presence, and resource via the funds available. It ensures we are firmly embedded in academic primary care. So thank you!

Special interest group: