Professor Paul Wallace - Learning from a leader’s legacy

15:00-15:30, Thursday 4th July, Room 3.30

Learning from a leader’s legacy – a workshop using the career of Professor Paul Wallace to extend our own understanding of the scope of and opportunities for primary care academics.

 Paul Wallace was a practising GP and an academic who built up a major unit leading primary care in at UCL.  His research into alcohol use and ehealth changed national guidance and he held lead roles in SAPC, the NIHR, the European GP Research network, and in his last decade created and led the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine.

“Wow! How did he do all that?” – come and find out more, and see what Paul’s inspiring and informative career can do to encourage your own vision and opportunities.

Contributors: Gene Feder (Professor of primary care, Bristol) David Jewell (Former editor of BJGP), Amanda Howe (Emeritus professor of primary care, UEA) Ann Louise Kinmonth (Emeritus chair of general practice, Cambridge), Joe Rosenthal (Professor of primary care education, UCL), Hina Shahid (GP & chair of Muslim Doctors Association)