2022 ePoster presenters

There will be 5 ePoster viewing stations at the conference.  The posters will be on a timed loop and viewers will be able to move on to the next poster if they wish.

Discussion for ePosters has been scheduled during the breaks.  Please see the programme for details.

Two ePoster viewing stations (A and B) will be used in parallel for discussion.  

Presenters are asked to go to their station a few minutes before the discussion starts to meet the facilitator. 

Your slot will be for a 2 minute pitch plus 3 minutes Q&A.


The abstracts of presentations are available on our mobile friendly website.  You will be able to access them throughout the conference using your mobile device or laptop.  Presentation titles and programme numbers will be listed in the programme book but the abstracts will not be included in the book.

Press attendance

We are expecting some journalists to be present at the conference.  The BMJ has indicated that someone may attend.  If you do not wish your work to be reported please state this at the beginning of your presentation.  Please also email office@sapc.ac.uk before 9am on Thursday 23rd June and we will inform the journalists so that they can respect your wishes.