2021 Annual Report PPI

This year the SIG was unable to hold it’s annual meeting in person at the SAPC AGM because of COVID-19 but had a virtual space which led to some discussion and emails with other SAPC members. We have continued to operate the Google discussion group as a virtual way of connecting members and the @SAPCPR twitter handle, however, there has been less activity in the SIG. we had planned to hold a virtual meeting but unfortunately was unable to arrange it for this year and so hope to organise in 2022 focusing on sharing learning and experiences of how people have adapted their patient and public involvement and participatory studies in response to changes because of COVID-19. I have raised awareness of the SIG and SAPC’s inclusive approach to public involvement at a range of forums that has been well received and I hope to continue to build on links with other researchers across academic primary care to share examples and learn from different experiences and participatory approaches in primary care research and scholarship.