Mini-symposium 1 - How can research impact be measured?

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Aim This symposium is designed to provide an account of a range of approaches, including traditional and newer metrics, to the assessment of the impact of published, peer-reviewed research. Attendees will learn about this and have the opportunity to discuss how the dissemination and uptake of research is likely to be measured in the future.Format Three linked oral presentations will describe how a leading primary care journal , the British Journal of General Practice, measures the impact and dissemination of its papers. how the Higher Education Funding Councils' Research Evaluation Framework approached the assessment of research impact, and how one new bibliometric approach to measuring impact, Altmetric, is contributing to the evaluation of research impact. Speakers : Traditional measurement and outcomes of the journal impact factor for the BJGP and measures of activity on the journal's website such as downloads and page views. Roger Jones , BJGP Editor and BJGP Web Editor Erika Niesner ,Experiences in assessing the impact of primary care research Paul Little , member of the HEFCE REF primary care panel How the system works and what it offers to the healthcare research community.Jean Liu , product development manager at AltmetricDiscussion will follow each presentation and a final summing up will attempt to capture a future vision of research impact assessment. The intended audience includes anyone with an interest in writing, reading and implementing primary care research


  • Roger Jones