Online talk with Dr Paul Bowie
As part of the Quality and Safety Improvement in Primary Care SIG, we’ve rearranged an online talk with Prof Paul Bowie (Dr Paul Bowie - University of Staffordshire) for Tuesday the 11th of March at 13:00-14:00, which we thought might be of interest to the wider SAPC membership community.
Paul has published extensively and co-edited a book on patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare, particularly within primary care. He is a Registered Member of the UK Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, where he is the Healthcare Sector Group Lead on Patient Safety.
Paul will deliver an interactive talk discussing how he has applied the principles of Human Factors and Ergonomics in his research within primary care, myths surrounding Human Factors, and the benefits of taking a systems approach as a researcher and beyond.
As a member, to request the meeting link, please email: