Cancellation of ASM 2020
In March we announced the cancellation of our Annual Scientific Meeting in Leeds in July – a decision which had to be made early to prevent financial losses. A big thanks must go to Richard Neal and Suzanne Richards and their team who had spent many hours on organising what was promising to be an excellent ASM.
We also saw the cancellation of two conferences related to Special Interest Groups – Health Literacy and Mental Health. You can see the abstracts submitted to the Primary Care Mental Health Conference.
All the abstracts submitted to the ASM have been reviewed and we intend to publish the collection of abstracts on the SAPC website.
Many of our clinical colleagues have increased commitments to their practices and patients, adapting quickly to the need to use more telephone and video consultations. Our educators have worked hard to support the early graduation of medical students to Foundation Year doctors in the NHS. We appreciate these contributions.
The ASM at the University of Leeds has been postponed to 2021 from Weds 30th June to Fri 2nd July. We hope to be able to meet then or virtually depending on the rules relating to the pandemic.