2023 Workshops and review criteria
Workshops offer a 60 minute slot to bring people together with shared interests to explore a topic in greater depth. Workshops may have an educational, research or practice-based theme. We welcome innovative topics and formats for workshops.
Please describe your workshop using the following headings:
Aim and intended outcome / educational objectives
Intended audience (include a maximum number of participants if you wish)
Points for authors to note:
Your workshop must be interactive with plenty of time for discussion
Please avoid using presentations as the key feature of the workshop
Please limit time spent talking to slides to a maximum of 10 minutes
Participants will not sign up in advance so preparatory work by attendees will not be possible
Maximum word count: 450 including title
Review Criteria for the assessment of Workshops
Workshops will be judged against the following criteria by two independent peer reviewers using a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) for each of the following criteria:
1. Topicality
Is the workshop topic important, interesting and relevant to primary care and likely to appeal to SAPC delegates?
2. Objectives
Are the learning objectives of the workshop clear, relevant and achievable
3. Educational methods
Do the authors suggest appropriate pedagogical methods to achieve the learning objectives?
4. Format
Is the proposed format of the workshop likely to provoke discussion and interaction between workshop participants?
In addition to the criteria described above, peer reviewers will also be asked to indicate (on a scale from 1 - 10) the extent to which this submission aligns with conference theme "Informed and inclusive primary care"