2019 Oral presentation slots
Your slot will be for 10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A. Please ensure you arrive 10 minutes before the start of the session in which you are presenting to meet the chair and other presenters. Please observe these times, the chair will not allow presentations to over-run.
Powerpoint presentations
Please save your presentation in wide screen format: 16 x 9.
You may wish to email your presentation in advance if you are presenting on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning and won’t have time to check-in your presentation with speaker preview more than 2 hours before the session starts.
Please email your presentation to office@sapc.ac.uk (by Thursday 20th June) and bring a copy with you on-site. Receiving your presentation in advance will help the technicians prepare and ensure that the audio-visual facilities run as smoothly as possible. You may update or replace your presentation in the speaker preview room at the conference.
If you prefer to bring your presentation with you please check it in with speaker preview at least 2 hours before your session (if presenting on Thursday/Friday you may check it in the day before).
Please save your presentation with the file name using the programme number first followed by your surname eg 1A.1 Smith. This will help us file your presentation in the correct programme slot.
The abstracts of presentations will be available on the website before the conference and will be accessible on our mobile friendly website throughout the conference using your mobile device or laptop. Presentation titles and programme numbers will be listed in the programme book but the abstracts will not be included in the book.
Press attendance
We are expecting some journalists to be present at the conference. If you do not wish your work to be reported please state this at the beginning of your presentation. Pleaes also email office@sapc.ac.uk before 9am on Friday 28th June and we will inform the journalists so that they can respect your wishes.