SAPC ASM 2019 - Exeter - Posters

P2.15 A qualitative focus group study to refine a new intervention 'VOLITION': To facilitate the involvement of older patients with multimorbidity in decision-making about their healthcare during GP consultations.
P2.16 Development and validation of the Cambridge Multimorbidity Score
P2.17 Comparing the performance of different measures of multimorbidity in predicting all-cause mortality and hospitalization: A large general population cohort study
P2.18 Measuring modifiable functional decline and frailty in Primary Care: Is the eFI a suitable tool?
P2.19 Prescribing patterns in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study
P2.20 How has polypharmacy changed in general practice since 2003? - a repeated cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sentinel network.
P2.21 Can markers of dementia progression be derived from primary care electronic health records?
P2.22 What is the role of primary care in reducing the decline in physical function and physical activity in people with long-term conditions? Findings from realist theory-building workshops using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.
P2.23 The change in coping strategies among Japanese family carers for people with dementia –A qualitative study–
P2.25 Effects of mobile app interventions on sedentary time, physical activity and fitness in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
P2.27 Gaining insights from mixed methods data integration. Use of a triangulation protocol in the iPOPP pilot trial.
P2.28 Multimorbidity in Arthritis and persistent musculoskeletal Pain (MAP) Study: protocol for a mixed methods study
P2.29 A mixed methods study to evaluate the effectiveness of nurse training to deliver an integrated care review for patients with inflammatory rheumatic conditions
P2.30 The challenge of diagnosis and the management of fibromyalgia in Primary care
P2.31 What are the opioid prescribing attitudes and practices of Australian GPs?
P2.32 How acceptable is a Culturally adapted Manual Assisted Problem solving (C-MAP) intervention for Self-Harm? Therapist and patient participant perspectives.
P2.33 Are collaborative care approaches effective for people with SMI who are living in the community?
P2.34 For what reasons do children and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder seek healthcare in the two years prior to their diagnosis?
P2.36 Extracting hospital data to inform post-discharge community care in COPD patients: A feasibility study
