P1.001 | RCGP/SAPC Elective Prize Winner - Primary care in Primary schools |
P1.001A | Creative piece - The hats we wear |
P1.001B | Creative piece - Brian |
P1.001C | Creative piece - Poetry of Preventative Care: Poems from research interviews with healthcare professionals and patients |
P1.001D | Creative piece - Mr X |
P1.001E | Creative piece - The opaque consultation, an illustration of the Doctor as Drug |
P1.001F | Creative piece - Living with long-QT syndrome |
P1.01 | Development and validation of the DIabetes Severity SCOre (DISSCO): a retrospective cohort study |
P1.02 | Management of Type 2 Diabetes in General Practice in Ireland: effect of the ‘Cycle of Care’ Programme |
P1.03 | GP-OSMOTIC Study: A randomised controlled trial (RCT) to determine the effect of retrospective continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1c in adults with Type 2 diabetes (T2D) in primary care |
P1.04 | What factors are associated with ambulance conveyance to hospital in patients with diabetes or diabetes-related emergencies in care homes? Cross sectional database study |
P1.05 | What are the predictors and patterns of antipsychotic drug use in people with dementia? |
P1.06 | View (active tab) Edit Perspectives of clinicians on switching antipsychotics to improve the physical health of people with schizophrenia: a qualitative study |
P1.07 | Impact on the use and cost of other services following intervention by an inpatient Pathway Homeless Team in an acute mental health Trust |
P1.08 | Co-design living labs: can we embed co-production in the mental health research continuum? |
P1.09 | A patient-student co-creation quality improvement project raising mental health awareness in an Arab patient population in a primary care setting |
P1.10 | The effectiveness of FACT in primary care distressed patients; an RCT |
P1.11 | Comparison between self-administered depression questionnaires and patients’ own views of changes in their mood: a prospective cohort study in primary care. |
P1.12 | Time-dependent variation of patient reported outcome (PRO) measurement in patients with chronic conditions: a scoping review |
P1.13 | Using Fourier components analysis to examine variations in outcome scores for individuals with Meniere’s Disease |