SAPC ASM 2019 - Exeter - Posters

P1.001 RCGP/SAPC Elective Prize Winner - Primary care in Primary schools
P1.001A Creative piece - The hats we wear
P1.001B Creative piece - Brian
P1.001C Creative piece - Poetry of Preventative Care: Poems from research interviews with healthcare professionals and patients
P1.001D Creative piece - Mr X
P1.001E Creative piece - The opaque consultation, an illustration of the Doctor as Drug
P1.001F Creative piece - Living with long-QT syndrome
P1.01 Development and validation of the DIabetes Severity SCOre (DISSCO): a retrospective cohort study
P1.02 Management of Type 2 Diabetes in General Practice in Ireland: effect of the ‘Cycle of Care’ Programme
P1.03 GP-OSMOTIC Study: A randomised controlled trial (RCT) to determine the effect of retrospective continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1c in adults with Type 2 diabetes (T2D) in primary care
P1.04 What factors are associated with ambulance conveyance to hospital in patients with diabetes or diabetes-related emergencies in care homes? Cross sectional database study
P1.05 What are the predictors and patterns of antipsychotic drug use in people with dementia?
P1.06 View (active tab) Edit Perspectives of clinicians on switching antipsychotics to improve the physical health of people with schizophrenia: a qualitative study
P1.07 Impact on the use and cost of other services following intervention by an inpatient Pathway Homeless Team in an acute mental health Trust
P1.08 Co-design living labs: can we embed co-production in the mental health research continuum?
P1.09 A patient-student co-creation quality improvement project raising mental health awareness in an Arab patient population in a primary care setting
P1.10 The effectiveness of FACT in primary care distressed patients; an RCT
P1.11 Comparison between self-administered depression questionnaires and patients’ own views of changes in their mood: a prospective cohort study in primary care.
P1.12 Time-dependent variation of patient reported outcome (PRO) measurement in patients with chronic conditions: a scoping review
P1.13 Using Fourier components analysis to examine variations in outcome scores for individuals with Meniere’s Disease
