The effectiveness of FACT in primary care distressed patients; an RCT

Talk Code: 
Prof Bruce Arroll
Arroll B, Frischtak H, Mount V, Sundram F, Susie Fletcher; Kingsford D,Bricker J.
Author institutions: 
University of Auckland , Melbourne, Washington


Short time frames and lack of resources to deal with mental health distress in primary care


To use a Focussed Acceptance and Commitment therapy approach for patients with a PHQ 8 ≥ 2 in the GP waiting room and doing a quick psychosocial history (called work/love/play - available from followed by an intervention which gets patients to behaviourally actitvate i.e. catch up with friends, problem solve their issues and start going exercise. Each intervention is scored on a 1 to 10 basis and any score <7 is renegotiated. The control group gets just the work love play


After one week the blinded assessment of outcome reported a PHQ 8 score of 7.4 in the FACT group and 10.1 in the control group. This was statistically significant p<0.02.


Rapid interventions with distressed patients in primary care can bring about quick and effective changes in their lives

Submitted by: 
Bruce Arroll
Funding acknowledgement: 
University of Auckland Sabbatical fund.