SAPC North 2020
Join us at this year's SAPC North first ever on-line conference to celebrate all that we do so that we can optimise the impact of our work.
It is nearly a year since members of SAPC North met in Preston to share work, ideas and stories. Despite all that has happened since, our community have continued to champion scholarship at the heart of excellent primary care. Delivering innovation and best practice in teaching, research, quality improvement and clinical practice to ensure that primary care continues to serve as the bed rock of the NHS.
This is the knowledge work of primary care: developed, delivered and applied by all of us working in primary care - academics, clinicians, students, leaders. Knowledge work refers to how we discover, create, apply and teach the distinct knowledge of primary care to develop and sustain continuous, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible, person-centred community healthcare.
The Academy of Primary Care at Hull York Medical School is delighted to be hosting this year’s Northern SAPC Conference. Our goals this year are to:
- raise the profile of the knowledge work that you do
- help you connect with other people working in primary care - researchers, educators, and clinicians
- help boost the impact of our work
As we're meeting on line this year, this gives us opportunities to try out new ways of working. We want to create a space for as many people as possible to meet together, share your work and so start conversations that can continue beyond the time we spend together on-line. There will be a dedicated conference website which will provide the platform from which we can meet on the day and share our conversations. We will then use the website as a tool to publicise your work and our expertise beyond the meeting - a 'digital brochure' of work across SAPC North that we will send out to key stakeholders.
All our sessions are designed to welcome everyone interested in primary care scholarship. Whether you are an educator, researcher or clinician – at the beginning (student or early career), middle or later stages of your career, there is something here for you.
Features of this year’s meeting:
- Share your work to start a conversation: themed oral presentation sessions using an elevator pitch format to celebrate what you have been doing and help you get in touch with other people doing similar work; with opportunity to contribute to a post-Conference 'brochure' to let wider audiences know about your work
- Writing a Research Question Masterclass: the first steps in any research and often the hardest. One of the commonest requests we heard when setting up the WISE GP programme was from people asking for help with getting started and writing a good research question. Colleagues from across our academic community – educators and researchers, and at all career stages – continue to grapple with this most difficult of tasks. In this session, we invite 3 people/groups to bring their fledgling ideas to a Masterclass session with a panel of experienced researchers from across our discipline. Join us to see how they get on, and consider how this might help you get your project idea up and running.
- Shape the future of our discipline: Join a panel, including Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, to consider Do we still need Academic Primary Care in the 21st Century? Primary Care is evolving rapidly, so how do we as an academic discipline need to change too to ensure that we stay at the heart of driving the changes urgently needed? There are many discussions about the Future Doctor, but what about the future academic? It is almost ten years since SAPC last examined the sustainability of academic primary care careers. Much has changed since – in primary care, and in the academic world too. So is APC still relevant, more relevant, or has it been superseded? And with what implications for career development for researchers, educators, clinicians and students?
- Building your career: find out more about the array of opportunities to be found in academic work happening across the primary care community. Whether you are a student just starting out, or an academic/clinician on route, join us to find out more about options, and how SAPC and our community of primary care academics can help you.
- Planning next year’s conference: there will be opportunities on the day, and following on, to help us consider what we’re learnt from this year’s celebrations – and what we want to include in next year.
We hope you’re as excited by the possibilities as we are, and we look forward to seeing you in November.
Prof Joanne Reeve, on behalf of the Academy of Primary Care Conference team: Dr James Bennett, Dr Paul Whybrow, Dr Puja Verma, Pam Parkinson, Ali Waring, Matthew Kempson
Northern SAPC is a celebration of primary care scholarship happening across our region. We welcome everyone working in and interested in developing and delivering excellent primary care:
- Educators
- Researchers
- Clinicians
- Students
Whether you are an established primary care academic or clinician, or a student just starting out… SAPC North offers to you an opportunity to
- Hear about cutting edge developments in research, education and clinical practice
- Share your work – tell people what you’ve been doing
- Meet new people - make new connections and collaborations
- Learn new skills and ideas in our masterclass
- Explore career opportunities in academia as well as portfolio clinical careers
We aim to accept all abstracts that describe work to support and improve primary care/general practice through scholarship (education and research).
We will invite you to present your work in themed sessions using 1 slide (poster format), with 2 minutes to describe the essence of your work. The goal of your abstract and presentation is to convince someone that they need to come and find out more about your work.
We will be asking for electronic posters that the audience can download and take away. The focus for your oral pitch will be to persuade the listener to find out more - to download your poster and to contact you beyond the conference. We will send guidance on preparing both of these.
To submit an abstract, please email by deadline midnight on Wednesday 7th October with a word document containing the following:
Presenting author: name, affiliation and contact details (including email, twitter handle)
Co-authors: name, affiliations and email addresses
Title of your work
Abstract (max 300 words) using the following headings
- THE PROBLEM: What is the problem/issue/challenge that your work is tackling
- YOUR APPROACH: what are you doing to explore/understand/address the issue – what methods are you using?
- THE LEARNING: what are you finding, noticing, learning from the work?
- WHY IT MATTERS: why does an SAPC North attendee need to find out more about your work?
All abstracts will be assessed for eligibility by the conference team. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by October 14th with full details of how to prepare your poster and oral presentation.
All accepted speakers will need to register for the Conference.
We have the possibility of offering limited slots for running workshops at the Conference, and so invite expressions of interest in hosting a one hour workshop.
We will prioritise workshops that are interactive, and include specific plans for dealing with the additional opportunities and challenge of using Zoom.
Proposals should be submitted in the form of a 400 word (max) abstract outlining
- Title (not included in word count)
- Workshop goals: what will attendees gain from attending this workshop
- Format: what do you plan to do, and how will this meet your goals. How will you actively involve your audience
- Audience: who is the workshop aimed at
- Speakers: who will run the workshop
Email your outline to by the deadline of midnight on Weds October 7th.
Writing a good research question is recognised to be one of the most important but also challenging parts of any research project – whether you are just starting out, or an experienced researcher.
Whatever type of research – education, clinical, health services, quality improvement – and however big or small (pilot studies, your first piece of research, through to large scale projects) – getting the question right shapes the whole project.
The SAPC North Masterclass will provide an opportunity to bring your project idea to an experienced panel of researchers who will work with you on developing your idea into a focused question.
Each project will have 20 minutes with the panel. You will be invited to give a 3 minute pitch describing what you’re planning to do, and what you want to consider with the panel.
To take part, you will need to email us an outline of your ideas. Send a word document to which outlines, in no more than 300 words:
- What is the problem you are tackling (or thinking of tackling)?
- Why/how do you think research can help with the problem and what is your draft question?
- Where are you stuck – what do you hope to get from the panel?
The Conference team will chose a maximum of 3 to reflect the diversity of suggestions put forward.
We will be awarding a number of prizes including:
- Best Champion: to the person who best champions why academic primary care matters through their poster, pitch, and discussions
- Best Poster
- Best Student Project
- Mystery Prize (to be announced at the opening session)
Registration will open shortly. Details will be posted on the SAPC website and sent out via SAPC networks.
Fees will be
- £25 for staff
- £10 for undergrad students, and postgrad students on a stipend (non-salaried postgraduate students)
(People on funded fellowships will need to register for the full fee)
If you would like to go on our mailing list to receive details about registration and the meeting, please email