Annual meeting bursaries

We are pleased to be able to fund 10 bursaries of £100 for Primary Health Care Scientists (members who are part of the PHoCuS group / non-medical) to attend the annual conference each year.

You may apply if you fulfil all of the following criteria:

  • You are a PHoCuS group / non-medical member of SAPC
  • You have not attended a SAPC annual conference before
  • You are below senior lecturer level
  • You are not registering at the student or AiT/ACF rate - AiT = Associate in Training ACF = clinical academic fellow

How to apply

You may apply for a bursary by emailing the SAPC office to request a bursary and confirm that you fulfill the criteria mentioned above. Requests will be handled on a first come first served basis of receipt. In the event of bursaries being oversubscribed we may restrict the awards to one bursary per department or organisational unit.