The Society for Academic Primary Care

Championing expertise in Academic Primary Care, driving improvements in Primary Care provision

We, the SAPC, provide a clear voice, and a strong presence, for Academic Primary Care in the complex and ever-changing Primary Care environment. We offer a point of reference and contact for those seeking academic solutions to the problems they face in the provision and study of Primary Care, and the advancement of Academic Primary Care for the public benefit.

The SAPC Executive team are elected and co-opted members of the Society who set the strategic direction for the Society, and lead work to deliver on our goals.

Listen here to Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham (immediate past chair) describe the roles and aims of the Society

Why does Academic Primary Care matter?

Academic Primary Care improves primary care by making a positive impact on policy and practice. This then enables improvements in the care that patients receive.

We improve Primary Care by:

  • Providing a deeper understanding of Primary Care, its aims and its relevence
  • Developing, delivering and evaluating ways of delivering Primary Care policy and practice
  • Delivering critical commentary and evidence on how wider policy and practice impacts on the provision of Primary Care

We submitted a report to the Health Select Committee Inquiry in to Primary Care in Autumn 2016.

How does SAPC support academic primary care?

Our Strategic Plan outlines what we do to advance primary care through education and research.

Who are  the SAPC Executive Team?

Our Executive team are SAPC members, elected or co-opted to lead the work of our organisation.

Elections are held annually and we welcome expressions of interest from SAPC members across the APC community to join us.

We meet four times a year (including at the AGM), with additional teleconference meetings in between.

A short history of SAPC

Legal status

A brief guide to SAPC since the first scientific meeting in 1972.