2022 Annual Report Sexual and Reproductive Health Research
- To provide a forum for sharing intelligence and research ideas through interdisciplinary partnerships
- To provide strategic direction for research priorities in a broad remit of sexual and reproductive that is relevant for policy and practice
- To support dissemination and implementation of research that is relevant in primary care
- To support research and capacity building through working in partnership with professional and third sector organisations with an interest in any area of sexual and reproductive healthcare
Strategic plan 2023 to 2028
Objective 1 - To provide a forum for sharing intelligence and research ideas through interdisciplinary partnerships
- Annual SIG meeting at SAPC
- We will continue to have a pre-conference SIG meeting at the annual SAPC conference. These events have been a useful way to connect conference delegates and new members interested in the field of SRH research.
- Quarterly online meetings
- We will experiment with online meetings very quarter to provide a forum for members and other researchers to engage and share research ideas, discuss work in progress, and have tentative discussions about collaborations with new studies and grant applications.
- Twitter handle - @SRH_SAPC_SIG
- There will be more regular outputs from this twitter account to share newest sexual health research with members. We will also encourage online discussions and engagements based on some of the posts
Objective 2 - To provide strategic direction for research priorities in a broad remit of sexual and reproductive that is relevant for policy and practice
- We will use the annual pre-conference meeting to update members on the strategic direction of the SIG.
- We will also use the quarterly online meetings to encourage ideas and engagement about influencing policy and practice.
Objective 3 - To support dissemination and implementation of research that is relevant in primary care
- We will use the @SRH_SAPC_SIG to engage with different key member accounts to encourage advocacy and sharing/dissemination of research findings.
- We will encourage members to contribute to the SIG’s blog: https://primarycaresexualhealth.wordpress.com/
Objective 4 - To support research and capacity building through working in partnership with professional and third sector organisations with an interest in any area of sexual and reproductive healthcare
- We will be working with Primary care Academic CollaboraTive (PACT www.gppact.org) to explore how to frontline primary care professionals such as general practitioners (GPs), practice nurses and clinical pharmacists with audits relating to SRH delivery in primary care.
- We build relationships with organisations such as Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), British HIV Association (BHIVA) and Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to promote SRH research in primary care.
- We will do the same with third sector organisations involved in sexual health advocacy such as British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), Wellbeing of Women (WoW), Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), National AIDS Trust (NAT), Brook (sexual health charity for young people) among others.
Richard Ma, Bristol University
Rebecca Mawson, Sheffield University
Adam Williams, Cardiff University
Special interest group: