Prof Matthew Ridd

Reader in Primary Healthcare, University of Bristol
SAPC mentor
Matthew has worked at the University of Bristol (UK) since 2002. During his time at the Centre of Academic Primary Care (, he has successively won an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship (2004-2009), an NIHR Clinical Lectureship (2009-2013), an NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship (2013-2014) and an NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2015-2020). In recognition of his contribution to the discipline of general practice through research and publishing, he was awarded the RCGP John Fry award in 2016.
He has two main research interests: continuity of patient care and patient-clinician relationships; and the diagnosis and treatment of skin and allergy problems commonly seen in primary care. His main methodological expertise is in clinical trials, qualitative research, and systematic reviews.