Dr Julia Hiscock

I joined the SAPC executive in January 2018 as a co-opted member for the joint lead for the Primary Health Care Scientists (PHoCuS) Group with Prof Suzanne Richards.
I am a medical sociologist and have worked in academic primary care for over fifteen years in primary care departments in Liverpool and Manchester before moving to Bangor University in 2013 to the North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research.
My methodological expertise is in qualitative methods. As a primary health care scientist, I work with clinical colleagues providing methodological support for primary care research including trials with embedded qualitative components as well as stand-alone qualitative research.
My research interests are: palliative care (particularly the last days of life) in primary care; and early diagnosis in primary care (especially the diagnosis of cancer in primary care). Within these areas I have a particular interest in the role of social support and social networks in the management of health.