2024 Annual Report Inclusion Health/Deep End Research


• Established as a SIG- developed and maintained a mailing list of 24 members

• Communicated with members through infrequent emails to share latest research, collaborative research opportunities and participant recruitment to studies

• Met in person at SAPC ASM in Bristol 2024

Future Plans

• In person meet of the network at SAPC ASM in Cardiff 2025

• Continue to share, and enable sharing of latest research, participation and collaborative opportunities with network 

• Presenting back findings from feasibility study (Gateway for people experiencing social, health and digital exclusion) and seeking second site for multicentre pilot RCT alongside Edinburgh

• Supporting links with third sector charities

Evidence of impact of the SIG

• Networking at the SIG allowed communication channels to open between different ‘Deep End’ academic communities. Pan Deep End research bids started to take shape including a proposal by Keele/UCL into multiple long term conditions and deprivation.

• Shared learning has benefit the various university communities e.g. David Blane (University of Edinburgh) presenting lessons learnt in deprivation/deep end work and research opportunities at the recent Bristol Deep End (University of Bristol affiliated) event.

Outcomes from SIG meeting at the last SAPC ASM 

Establishing the group, building collaborative relationships and future plans (outlined above).

How affiliation with SAPC has helped the SIG

Accessing and connecting academics working on Inclusion Health/ Deep End topics that can otherwise be relatively isolated. Sharing experience, knowledge and collegiality has been particularly helpful when we work in under-researched and quite different research environments to ‘typical’ academic endeavours.

Special interest group: