Sexual healthcare for trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people

Talk Code: 
Julia Bailey


Trans, non binary and gender diverse people can be reluctant to access primary care because of (fear of) traumatic experiences within healthcare services. This workshop will address how we can ensure that trans, non-binary and gender diverse people feel welcomed and reassured, and are offered appropriate care at every stage of progression through primary care (by phone/online; at reception; in clinical encounters; on medical records).


*Aim To consolidate knowledge and confidence concerning sexual health care for trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people in primary care


*Educational objectives O To understand key terms and concepts concerning sex, gender and sexuality O To appreciate sexual health needs of gender minority populations in primary care

To discuss ways to make primary care welcoming and safe(r) for trans, non-binary and gender diverse people


*Format Short video (if possible); Short presentation; Small and large group discussions


*Workshop content

Welcome. Agreements for a safe(r) space

Short video – Trans 101

10 min presentation offering an overview of key concepts (regarding sex, gender and sexuality) and a brief overview of issues for trans and gender-diverse people wishing to access sexual health care in primary care

Discussion of a vignette in small groups (trans man and pregnancy choices)

Large group discussion regarding ways to make primary care welcoming and safe(r) for trans, non-binary and gender diverse people

Comments, questions and sharing of experience will be welcomed throughout the session


*Intended audience All are welcome (clinicians, educators, commissioners, researchers, students).

Submitted by: 
Julia Bailey