'Equivalence' - the evolution of primary care in secure environments
Workshop 13:30 to 15:00 Friday 5th July 2019
Facilitator: Dr Jake Hard Chair of the RCGP Secure Environments Group Clinical Lead for the Health & Justice Information System
To explain the ethical and legal principles that currently define the care provided in secure settings.
To describe the recent progress and future developments of healthcare in secure settings.
To highlight this area of work and engage with the SPAC Community to enlist ideas and support for a collaborative strategy to improving research and education in this field.
Three short presentations:
1. Equivalence - Dr Jake Hard
2. Health and Justice Information System - Dr Jake Hard or other speaker
3. Developing the future approach to healthcare in Secure Environments - RCGP Healthcare in Secure Environments Clinical Champion
- A brief presentation on the principle of ‘equivalence’ and the definition published by the RCGP in July 2018 – what does this mean and how can it be evidenced through the use of data and research?
- A brief presentation on the IT project, for which I am the Clinical Lead, which will enable the registration of people within a prison to register with a GP and along with this will come HSCN/Spine connectivity allowing for the flow of clinical records both into and out of the secure estate in England – what does this mean for the delivery of healthcare in prisons; what will this mean for community practices receiving people being released from prison?
- Current themes and areas of need in the secure setting: self-inflicted deaths, substance misuse and use of psychoactive substances, increasing self-harm and violence – how are these tackled; what approaches are necessary and how do we evidence what is effective in tackling these issues?
Intended audience
Academic and Researchers in the fields directly or associated with the secure environment patient group e.g. research into criminality and recidivism; work in the field of health inequalities; field of substance misuse; research into suicide and self-harm; big data and population research.