Professor in General Practice, Brighton
Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) are seeking a practising GP as an inspirational role model in general practice as Professor of General Practice.
The postholder will lead the GP teaching team and contribute to the delivery and further development of teaching in general practice across the School. They will take a leadership role to ensure undergraduate BMBS students have an excellent experience of general practice across the curriculum. The postholder will also engage with external organisations and networks to support strong relationships across undergraduate and postgraduate training. The Professor of General Practice will take a lead in supporting student-led general practice related activities and career development. They will work with colleagues to encourage and enable GP colleagues beyond BSMS to engage with the undergraduate teaching programme, including the provision of placements, Student Selected Components and 4th year Individual Research Project placements.
Building on a substantial research reputation, the postholder will undertake a programme of research relevant to BSMS (which may include medical education). Working with the Departmental Research Leads and BSMS GP colleagues, they will support researchers across the School to engage with research in primary care. The postholder will offer advice and support to the Clinical Research Network to build the local portfolio of research.
The postholder will support the development and implementation of research and teaching strategy across BSMS, and will from time to time undertake formal School level leadership roles appropriate to their background and portfolio.
The postholder will be expected to establish a 0.2 FTE role in a local GP practice and to hold an appropriate honorary contract with NHS England or other appropriate body.
Further details can be found here.