Primary care based approaches to reduce readmissions: Older patients’ perspectives on the transition of care from secondary care to primary care
Readmissions to hospital are expensive and can have negative health consequences for patients. Older adults are at greater risk of readmission. Patient perspectives are valuable in identifying areas for improvement in the transition of care. The aim of this qualitative study is to increase our understanding of patients’ perspectives on the transition of care from hospital to primary care.
This study used a qualitative methodology to conduct semi-structured interviews with patients who had been discharged from hospitals in the Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG) region. Patients who had been discharged from hospital (n=82) were invited via ten general practices in the Ireland East region to participate in telephone interviews about their experience of care transition of care between primary and secondary care. Twenty-eight patients consented to participate in an interview. Interview transcripts were analysed using the ‘Braun and Clarke’ approach to thematic analysis.
Data saturation was reached after 18 interviews with no new themes emerging. Three main themes were identified: a) communication, b) outpatient supports and c) patient education. Participants reported both positive and negative experiences of communication between the hospital and their GP and the hospital and pharmacies in relation to post-discharge prescriptions. Participants reported benefiting from a wide variety of outpatient supports including general practice, family, carers, allied health professionals and voluntary organisations. Access and cost were barriers to these supports. Participants were generally positive towards proposed primary care-based interventions such as follow up appointments with general practitioners and education sessions.
This study highlights a number of areas for improvement in transition of care for current practice including communication between services and access to outpatient care and suggests directions for further research, such as explorations of healthcare provider perspectives and interventions to reduce hospital readmissions.