SAPC ASM 2022 - UCLan - Posters

P1.1A.1 Dying and death during COVID-19 in the community: General Practitioner Trainees perceptions and experiences
P1.1A.2 Would GP trainees benefit from a specific GP return to training course in Wessex and Thames Valley?
P1.1A.3 Development and preliminary evaluation of a frailty education resource for community pharmacists
P1.1B.1 Identifying the optimum strategy for identifying adults and children with coeliac disease: systematic review and economic modelling
P1.1B.2 Multi-professional Care Home Education on Nutrition and Hydration
P1.2A.1 What are the experiences of people living with multimorbidity in Malawi?
P1.2A.2 A retrospective analysis of patient encounters during COVID-19 at an Irish general practice.
P1.2A.3 What are patients' perceptions of Pharmacist home visits for people with moderate/severe COPD and multimorbidity, and does socioeconomic status impact their perception?
P1.2A.4 Title: Interpreting safety netting: does it translate? Healthcare interpreters’ perspectives on safety netting strategies in GP Consultations
P1.2B.1 Survival of patients with HFpEF in primary care (SurviveHFpEF): cohort study
P1.2B.2 IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) in primary care: internal pilot for a cluster randomised controlled trial
P1.2B.3 Postnatal primary care: Identifying opportunities for improving cardiovascular risk using the eLIXIR data linkage
P1.2B.4 What are the changes in HbA1c, and renal function associated with SGLT2 inhibitors among patients with varying stages (3-5) of CKD and Type 2 Diabetes?
P1.2C.1 Is it possible to raise a patient's 'activation level' through an intervention targeted specifically at that outcome?
P1.2C.2 Is there a relationship between pain-related outcomes and satisfaction and autonomy support with the selfBACK app for people with low back pain?
P1.3A.1 Lung cancer screening in diverse populations: a scoping review protocol
P1.3A.2 Significance of Faecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) in early detection of adenomatous colorectal cancer (CRC) - Survival and Staging in Malta
P1.3B.1 Roles and work-related factors associated with occupational burnout among general practitioners in Sheffield, UK: a cross-sectional study
P1.3B.2 Burnout- an epidemic of broken spirits
P1.4A.1 Current Transition Care for Late Adolescents (18-25years) with Food Allergies, in North West England
