P1.1A.1 | Dying and death during COVID-19 in the community: General Practitioner Trainees perceptions and experiences |
P1.1A.2 | Would GP trainees benefit from a specific GP return to training course in Wessex and Thames Valley? |
P1.1A.3 | Development and preliminary evaluation of a frailty education resource for community pharmacists |
P1.1B.1 | Identifying the optimum strategy for identifying adults and children with coeliac disease: systematic review and economic modelling |
P1.1B.2 | Multi-professional Care Home Education on Nutrition and Hydration |
P1.2A.1 | What are the experiences of people living with multimorbidity in Malawi? |
P1.2A.2 | A retrospective analysis of patient encounters during COVID-19 at an Irish general practice. |
P1.2A.3 | What are patients' perceptions of Pharmacist home visits for people with moderate/severe COPD and multimorbidity, and does socioeconomic status impact their perception? |
P1.2A.4 | Title: Interpreting safety netting: does it translate? Healthcare interpreters’ perspectives on safety netting strategies in GP Consultations |
P1.2B.1 | Survival of patients with HFpEF in primary care (SurviveHFpEF): cohort study |
P1.2B.2 | IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) in primary care: internal pilot for a cluster randomised controlled trial |
P1.2B.3 | Postnatal primary care: Identifying opportunities for improving cardiovascular risk using the eLIXIR data linkage |
P1.2B.4 | What are the changes in HbA1c, and renal function associated with SGLT2 inhibitors among patients with varying stages (3-5) of CKD and Type 2 Diabetes? |
P1.2C.1 | Is it possible to raise a patient's 'activation level' through an intervention targeted specifically at that outcome? |
P1.2C.2 | Is there a relationship between pain-related outcomes and satisfaction and autonomy support with the selfBACK app for people with low back pain? |
P1.3A.1 | Lung cancer screening in diverse populations: a scoping review protocol |
P1.3A.2 | Significance of Faecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) in early detection of adenomatous colorectal cancer (CRC) - Survival and Staging in Malta |
P1.3B.1 | Roles and work-related factors associated with occupational burnout among general practitioners in Sheffield, UK: a cross-sectional study |
P1.3B.2 | Burnout- an epidemic of broken spirits |
P1.4A.1 | Current Transition Care for Late Adolescents (18-25years) with Food Allergies, in North West England |