START TIME 15:00 Mental health and alcohol use among patients attending a post-COVID-19 follow-up clinic: A cohort study.

Talk Code: 
John Broughan
John Broughan, Geoff McCombe, Brendan O’Kelly, Gordana Avramovic, Ronan Fawsitt, Shannon Glaspy, Mary Higgins, Tina McHugh, James Woo, Louise Vidal, John S Lambert, Walter Cullen
Author institutions: 
1 School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (DO4 V1W8)., 2 Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Eccles St., Dublin 7, Ireland (D07 AX57). , 3 Castle Gardens Surgery, Kilkenny, Ireland (R95 AY8R). , 4 Ireland East Hospital Group, One Kilmainham Square, Dublin 8, Ireland (D08 ET1W)., 5 National Maternity Hospital, Holles St., Dublin 2, Ireland (D02 YH21).


Ongoing mental health problems following COVID-19 infection warrant greater examination. This study aimed to investigate psychiatric symptoms and problematic alcohol use among Long COVID patients.


The study was conducted at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital’s (MMUH) post-COVID-19 follow-up clinic in Dublin, Ireland. A prospective cohort study design was used encompassing assessment of patients’ outcomes at 2-4 months following an initial clinic visit (Time 1), and 7–14-month follow-up (Time 2). Outcomes regarding participants’ demographics, acute COVID-19 healthcare use, mental health, and alcohol use were examined. The study was approved by the MMUH Research Ethics Committee (Ref # 1/378/2141).


The baseline sample’s (n = 153) median age = 43.5yrs (females n = 105 (68.6%)). Sixty-seven of 153 patients (43.8%) were admitted to hospital with COVID-19, 9/67 (13.4%) were admitted to ICU, and 17/67 (25.4%) were readmitted to hospital following an initial COVID-19 stay. Sixteen of 67 (23.9%) visited a GP within seven days of hospital discharge, and 26/67 (38.8%) did so within 30 days. Seventeen of 153 participants (11.1%) had a pre-existing affective disorder. The prevalence of clinical range depression, anxiety, and PTSD scores at Time 1 and Time 2 (n = 93) ranged from 12.9% (Time 1 anxiety) to 22.6% (Time 1 PTSD). No statistically significant differences were observed between Time 1 and Time 2 depression, anxiety, and PTSD scores. Problematic alcohol use was common at Time 1 (45.5%) and significantly more so at Time 2 (71.8%). Clinical range depression, anxiety, and PTSD scores were significantly more frequent among acute COVID-19 hospital admission and GP attendance (30 days) participants, as well as among participants with lengthy ICU stays, and those with a previous affective disorder diagnosis.


Ongoing psychiatric symptoms and problematic alcohol use in Long COVID populations are a concern and these issues may be more common among individuals with severe acute COVID-19 infection and /or pre-existing mental illness.


Submitted by: 
John Broughan
Funding acknowledgement: 
This study was funded by Ireland’s Health Research Board (COV19-2020-123). The study contributes to a wider body of work being produced to attenuate the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on population health in Ireland (The North-Dublin COVID-19 Cohort [‘ANTICIPATE’] Study).