More unequal than before? Access to general practice in a time of remote consultations and digital primary care.
Workshop aim and intended outcome / educational objectives
The aim of this workshop is to encourage and facilitate discussion about inequalities associated with increased use of digital technology and remote consultations in primary care. We aim to provide a space for shared learning and discussion for attendees with a shared interest in the topic.
Specifically, the workshop will explore:
• Changes in how patients access general practice as a result of the rise in the application of digital access and remote consultation.
• Which patient groups are more likely to be facing inequalities in accessing appropriate primary healthcare and what barriers they may be facing?
• How can general practice attempt to reduce inequalities in access? How can it support patients to use digital approaches to access?
• How have missed appointments changed as a result of the changes to accessing general practice. What now constitutes a missed remote appointment, and what do they look like?
The workshop will have three phases.
Firstly there will be a brief presentation on the topic (approximately ten minutes), presenting background to the ideas and the questions that will be discussed in the workshop. This will draw on the research evidence generated by the workshop team.
Secondly we will use small group discussion to share ideas and views on the topic with facilitators for each group to stimulate discussion and encourage participation from all. Each discussion topic will be presented to the groups in the form of a problem-based summary, outlining a potential difficulty associated with that topic. Each small group will be asked to discuss it, in terms of how the problem might be addressed in primary care, and different possible solutions.
Finally, ideas and feedback from discussions will be brought together at the end of the session, with the workshop leaders creating visual summaries of the main points covered.
Through informative and stimulating discussion this event will provide a networking opportunity for those with research interests in this area and may identify particular priorities for future research. Content Brief introductory presentation to the aims of the session Small group discussions to 3-4 set questions to encourage discussion, debate and suggestions. Summary and close of session.
Intended Audience
Academics working in primary care research, clinicians (such as GPs), researchers or students with an interest in health inequality, access to general practice, digital technology or remote consultations.