What is primary care epileptology/neurology?

Talk Code: 
Jon Dickson


Neurological disease is no more complex than many of the chronic diseases which are managed largely by primary care such as diabetes and COPD.  Furthermore, the complexity brought about by comorbidity so often seen in epilepsy such as depression, anxiety, cerebrovascular disease and frailty make our generalist skills especially pertinent.  Nevertheless, primary care has been in the grip of an unjustified neurophobia for many decades.  With support, education, and accredited training the potential of primary care in neurological care is huge. 


In my research I use qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods to take a health services perspective on neurological care.  My current work includes an NIHR funded grant on emrgency care pathways after a seizure, a big-data project looking at prescribing of anti-seizure medications and a mapping review of the role of GPs in epilepsy care.  In my clinical work, I work as a GP with a special interest in epilepsy in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals epilepsy clinic .  I am a member of the ILAE GP Society (International League Against Epilepsy) and  I am a member of the NICE Epilepsy Guideline Update Committee.  I was the Chair of the recently published National Clinical Practice Guideline for Convulsions for paramedics. 


Our Unit in Sheffield has a vibrant theme on neurology and neuroscience, we work closely with the internationally renowned Sheffield departments of SCHARR and SITRAN we would be delighted to hear from colleagues in SAPC who wanted to collaborate on neurology projects.  Headache, dementia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular disease would all be in scope and we’d be delighted to hear from you. 


Presenting author: Dr Jon M Dickson.  The University of Sheffield, AUPMC.  j.m.dickson@sheffield.ac.uk, @Dr_J_M_Dickson (Twitter)