Submit an abstract for:

SAPC ASM 2020 - cancelled due to pandemic

This form is for abstracts for long and short oral presentations only.  Please note there are no posters this year. 

Word count: up to 450 words excluding title and authors

If you wish to submit a workshop please use the workshop form.

Return to Call for Abstracts for details of types of presentation

How it works

Once you have submitted your abstract our team of reviewers will assess it against the review criteria and the overall fit with the theme of the conference. You'll be notified by e-mail on the progress of your submission and whether or not it has been selected for a spot in the conference.

If your abstract is selected for inclusion in the conference it will be available on the SAPC website with a hyperlink from the conference webpage and will be published in a pdf book of abstracts which will have a DOI number. Publication and promotion

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