A vision for academic primary care in the UK after the 2018 Astana Declaration for Primary Health Care.
Aim and intended outcome / educational objectives
To inform the development of a ‘2019 statement on academic primary care in the UK’. The statement is intended to use the World Health Organization’s 2018 Astana Declaration of Primary Health Care to propose a vision for academic primary care in the UK. The statement will be written for the attention of clinicians, researchers and policy makers. The document will primarily have a UK primary care focus, however it will be designed so that key stakeholders from other countries might find it of potential relevance when developing their own statements for academic primary care. The statement will set out a definition of academic primary care, highlighting key domains in order to describe how academic primary care is central to the delivery of the Astana vision of primary healthcare in the UK.
• A short introduction by the facilitators on the Astana vision, the concept of the academic statement and the purpose of the workshop
• Attendees spend time considering the draft statement on their own, with clarification provided by facilitators regarding any queries that arise.
• Attendees are asked for their views of the document (scope, and content, process and format).
• Brief interactive small group discussion will focus on the individual proposed domains of academic primary care (participants will have the opportunity to join the group discussing the domains of their interest)
• Feedback from small group leads/facilitators to the wider group.
• Discussion amongst the wider group will enable critical reflection and refinement of the text relevant to each of the domains in order to finalise a draft statement suitable for wider dissemination, consultation, and action amongst stakeholders.
• Next steps and wrap up
Academic primary care is that branch of primary care which focuses on applied research, education and training aimed at improving primary care practice. Like other health-focussed academic disciplines, it is characterised by a body of specialist knowledge, clinical academics with expertise in that body of knowledge, and a professional body representing the interests of specialist practitioners engaged in delivering care to citizens based on that body of knowledge. We urge the APC community to engage in an active process of discussion and dissemination of the new PHC Declaration and Vision, and their implications for the delivery of high-impact, well-resourced, academic primary care. We will engage with APC professionals in other countries to support the development of similar initiatives.
Intended audience
We welcome, and would value the perspectives, of all conference attendees.