What should we teach medical students when they come to GP placements?

Talk Code: 
Alex Harding
Author institutions: 
University of Exeter

Workshop summary

Aims and outcomes

Recent changes mean there will be increasing numbers of medical students and they will spend increasing amounts of time learning about General Practice.  In addition, GP surgeries are increasingly the location for other learners - both postgraduate and undergraduate.  This workshop aims to explore how GP practices might adapt to these changing conditions.  In the workshop we will therefore explore four related questions: 

1.  What teaching methods are currently being used around the country? 

2.  What teaching methods are being developed? 

3.  What should be the role of national curriculum guidance currently in preparation? 

4.  What should we teach medical students about the discipline of general practice?   

At the end of this workshop delegates will therefore have a deeper understanding of what is being done around the county regarding placement teaching of medical students and what is being planned for the future.   


1.  A summary of current knowledge and practice regarding each of these questions. 

2.  Subsequent sharing of information between participants regarding current practice at the different institutions 

3.  Debate regarding potential developments and how proposed changes such as the introduction of national curriculum guidance might impact on current teaching practice.    


Brief presentation of current research regarding the 4 questions outlined above.  This will draw on, published evidence and data collected through national surveys - some of which is as yet unpublished.   

Intended audience 

All GPs who currently plan or deliver undergraduate teaching.  Researchers involved with curriculum development in General Practice.

Submitted by: 
Alex Harding